Category Archives: thc

Cannabeginners: Esters

While most homebrewers know about esters, due to their role in creating flavors during yeast fermentation of alcohol, many cannabis consumers and businesses aren’t very knowledgeable about these exciting flavor and scent chemicals. Recent research has shown potentially notable medical effects, and one company even has a patent on some esters of THC. While the term “ester” was coined in 1848 by the German chemist Leopold Gmelin, likely as a contraction for “essigäther,” which means “acetic ether” in German, their discovery goes back almost a century earlier. […]

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How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar Whether you are a regular cannabis user and have lately wondered how long does marijuana stay in your system or just planning to give weed a try, you have come to the right place. We have gathered all the information regarding weed and for how long does weed stay in your hair, urine, or blood. Go through the rest of the article to know more about the topic. There are plenty of factors to look at before concluding as to how […]

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Is pure CBD the most medicinal part of cannabis?

The word on the street is that cannabidiol (CBD) is the most medicinal part of the cannabis plant. The non-intoxicating compound of marijuana has gained rock star status ever since Dr. Sanjay Gupta showed the world in his documentary Weed 2 that it has the power to control seizures in epilepsy patients. Read More Source: tghop

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