What Is Sinsemilla: Everything Cannabis Enthusiasts Need To Know
If you’re curious about sinsemilla, you’ve come to the right place. Have we got the goods for you!
In this article, the all-things-cannabis experts at Honest Marijuana tell you everything you need to know about sinsemilla and discuss why those in the know don’t use the term very much anymore.
What Is Sinsemilla?
The bulk of what you need to know about sinsemilla is in its name. It’s OK if you’re still stumped because sinsemilla is a Spanish word and not very common these days.
Here’s the skinny.
Sinsemilla is a portmanteau (two words scrunched together) of the Spanish words “sin” (without) and “semilla” (seed) and literally translates to “without seeds.”
So, sinsemilla is cannabis flowers that were not pollinated during growth and do not contain seeds. We’ll delve a bit deeper into the biology of all that in a bit.
But first, let’s discuss pronunciation so you don’t sound like a naive, unedumacated cannadork when you talk.
Say What?
If you want to be 100% accurate when you pronounce sinsemilla, you have to go back to the basics of Spanish pronunciation and learn three key things: how to pronounce the Spanish I, E, and LL.
The Spanish I
In most of Central and South America (pretty much anywhere other than Spain, really), the vowel “i” is pronounced like the English “ee”.
So the first syllable in sinsemilla is pronounced “seen.” Similarly, the third syllable in the word is pronounced “mee.”
Keep that in mind as we move to the next vowel.
The Spanish E
In Spanish, the vowel “e” is pronounced like the English “eh” (the short e sound as in unedumacated).
So the second syllable in sinsemilla is pronounced “seh.” That gives us the first three-quarters of the word: seen – seh – mee.
One more syllable to go.
The Spanish LL
In Spanish, the “ll” (double L) is pronounced like the English “y” (as in yes).
So, with the short “a” sound at the very end, the fourth and final syllable in sinsemilla is pronounced “yuh.”
Put It All Together
Putting it all together, you get: seen – seh – mee – yuh. It’s also important to put the stress on the third syllable: seen – seh – MEE – yuh.
Say it a couple of times fast and you’ll start to feel how the “ee” sound flows nicely into the “yuh” sound at the end. Fun!
Unfortunately, English speakers are lazy speakers, so there are a variety of mispronunciations floating around out there, including:
- Sin – seh – mee – yuh (the first syllable pronounced like the “i” in “him”)
- Sin – seh – mih – luh (the final syllable pronounced like the hard “l” in “cable”)
- Sen – sih – mih – luh (sensimilla)
- Sen – sih – mih – lia (sensimilia)
Some speakers may try to avoid the pronunciation conundrum completely by referring to it as “sensi” (your guess is as good as ours about how that’s pronounced).
Say It Correctly
Bottom line: you should always strive to say the word as it was meant to sound. That way, you’ll always be right even if other people pronounce it wrong.
Where Did Sinsemilla Come From?
Prior to the 1970s, marijuana was imported into the United States from Mexico, Jamaica, Colombia, Panama, and Thailand (just to name a few).
In these countries, pot was grown wild and with minimal processing. Cultivated this way — in its more natural state — marijuana contains a large number of seeds (just like every other plant) because that’s the way the plant spreads.
In the 1970s, domestic cannabis production increased (meaning people in the States started raising their own ganja).
During that time, growers discovered that separating the male plants from the female plants before maturation prevented pollination.
A female plant that’s been pollinated will produce seeds in order to reproduce. A female plant that hasn’t been pollinated will not produce seeds. It will, in essence, be without seeds (sinsemilla).
Growers started marketing this new seedless variety, and the misconception spread that sinsemilla and the more common seeded marijuana were different varieties.
In reality, they were the same plant grown with different cultivation techniques.
Despite the fact that seeded and seedless marijuana was the same plant, the concept of sinsemilla took off for one simple reason: potency.
What Makes Sinsemilla Better?
There are several reasons sinsemilla is better than the seeded marijuana that first came to the States in the mid-twentieth century.
First and foremost is potency. How is sinsemilla more potent than the seeded marijuana of yore? It all goes back to biology.
No Seeds = More Energy For Flowers
Female cannabis plants begin to flower when the days get shorter in the late summer.
The period of time between the first signs of flowering and when the buds are fully ripe and ready to harvest is commonly referred to as the flowering period.
Wild-grown, fertilized cannabis plants (the stuff grown outside the U.S. prior to the 1970s) produce seeds during the flowering period and, eventually, drop them and die as temperatures begin to drop and the days get shorter.
However, unfertilized cannabis (sinsemilla) lives longer and continues to produce flowers for up to a month longer than its fertilized brethren.
At the same time, the stem and leaves stop growing and the plant directs all its energy into growing larger, more developed buds (flowers).
This extra available metabolic energy — that otherwise would have gone into seed production — also contributes to an increase in cannabinoid, terpene, and flavonoid production.
That’s what makes sinsemilla better.
More THC means a heavier psychedelic experience. More CBD means a more potent medicinal experience. And more terpenes and flavonoids mean a better-tasting, better-smelling final product.
Easier For The End User
Another reason sinsemilla is better than seeded marijuana is, again, in the name: sinsemilla is without seeds.
Back in the day, smoking cannabis was a labor-intensive activity. Before you could get to grinding and rolling, you had to separate the seeds from the buds by rooting around in the sticky icky with your fingers.
Not only was this messy, but it also did a number on the potency.
With all that manipulation, a sometimes-large portion of the cannabinoids would stick to your digits.
Though you can roll the sticky stuff on your hands into hash, most users would prefer it stay on the buds where it can be put to easy use in the joints they roll and the bowls they pack.
Plus, sometimes you’d miss a seed or two and discover too late when the mouth-full of smoke you just toked starts to taste burnt and the room around you starts to smell like the inside of a coal-fired stove.
Seedless marijuana (sinsemilla) removes all that hassle and leaves you with a purer experience. All you have to do is grind, roll, light, and enjoy.
As the benefits of sinsemilla crept into the cannabis experience, connoisseurs wanted more, so growers began cultivating seedless strains almost exclusively.
Since then, seedless cannabis has become the norm and the term sinsemilla has fallen into disuse — every variety, every strain is pretty much sinsemilla (seedless) now.
You can still buy seeded marijuana if you look hard enough, but the options are few and far between.
Choose High-Quality Sinsemilla
Unless you’re a grower who wants to cultivate male pot plants for the seeds, pretty much everything you’ll come in contact with — plants, buds, and products — will be sinsemilla (or made from it).
So, rather than worrying about whether the zip of marijuana you just bought is sinsemilla or not, your energy and your money would be better spent finding and buying the highest-quality weed possible.
Why is quality more important than whether or not the bud is sinsemilla?
Because, at this stage of the game (i.e., purchasing pot for consumption), pretty much every product will be seedless.
Even if the buds didn’t come from a sinsemilla plant, someone will have gone through and removed the seeds so you don’t have to. That’s just the way the market is right now — people demand seedless so that’s what producers give them.
The real key to a good marijuana experience is quality.
Low-quality bud, such as mids and regs, will produce a low-quality final product. That low-quality final product will diminish any psychoactive or medicinal effects you experience.
When you’re cooking up a batch of edibles, rolling a J, or packing a bowl, always use the best bud you can get your hands on — the strain doesn’t matter — so that the end result doesn’t leave you dissatisfied and downhearted.
Plus, with a high-quality, organic strain like those grown at Honest Marijuana, you’ll need less bud to experience the effects you’re after — a little high-quality ganja goes a long way — and, you’ll be protecting yourself against harmful fertilizers, heavy metals, and pesticides.
Remember all cannabis products come from the cannabis plant in one way or another. It doesn’t matter which form you choose; if the grower used chemicals to treat the plant, traces of those chemicals may remain in the product you take.
You can avoid this issue entirely and experience cannabis the way it was meant to be with the best products on the planet from Honest Marijuana.
Talk to the budtenders at your local dispensary to find out what strains they recommend for your needs.
If you live in Colorado, find some Honest Marijuana and discover what the purest marijuana experience on the plant feels like (hint: it’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before).
For more information on all things cannabis and to check out our 100-percent all-natural marijuana products, visit HonestMarijuana.com today.
The post What Is Sinsemilla: Everything Cannabis Enthusiasts Need To Know appeared first on Honest Marijuana.
Source: honestm
Than you for that piece of education. I heard sincemilla was a marijuana plant. I was looking to find truth.
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