Know Your Herbs

What does Marijuana Help with?

Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar

The ever-growing health benefits of marijuana make it a hot topic for all cannabis enthusiasts. People that look up to marijuana for medical purposes have also grown fond of the plant. They want to know what medical marijuana is used for.

We are going to list down its uses but will brief you a bit about marijuana, what it is and where it is found.

Marijuana is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. It is available in various forms and helps us with a lot of different conditions. 

What is Medical Weed Used for?

Let’s take a quick look at what cannabis can be used for.

1. Provides Relief from Chronic Pain

The cannabis plant has hundreds of chemical compounds, and most of them are cannabinoids. Due to their unique chemical composition, they have a strong link to providing relief from chronic pains. That is why a lot of cannabis products (infused products) are commonly used to treat various pains.

 2. Helps the Lungs

Smoking cannabis helps increase the capacity of the lungs. So if you’re one of those people that regularly smoke, try switching to cannabis. Not only will it provide you with tons of health benefits, but it might also enhance the capacity of your lungs. However, it’s important to mention here that smoking cigarettes or cannabis aren’t considered a super positive habit; it’s still harmful. More research needs to be carried out so that we can fully understand that smoking cannabis does help us and our lungs.

3. Reduces your Depression

Depression is surprisingly widespread, and it’s continuing to spread at a rapid pace. Most people don’t even know that they suffer from it. Certain compounds present in the cannabis plant, known as cannabinoids, are responsible for stabilizing our moods which can ultimately lead to an ease in depression.

So if you or anybody around you is suffering from this unfortunate condition, try introducing them to this plant and notice if it helps them in making them feel better.

4. It Definitely Helps with Seizures

Recent research shows signs that medical marijuana can help in controlling seizures. Around the world, patients of epilepsy are prescribed to use marijuana. The ones that are going through such conditions should consult their doctors and ask them about how it can help them with their conditions.

However, more research is ongoing on the topic. Till then, let’s hope that it does help with seizures, and even if it doesn’t, it offers tons of other potential benefits that can improve our overall health.

5. Medical Marijuana Makes Your Bones Strong

That’s right. Compounds in the plant known as cannabidiol have strong ties with helping people who have broken bones. It is believed that marijuana can help heal bones fast. This means if someone has a broken bone, marijuana can help them recover faster. Not only does it increase the timespan of the recovery, but it also tends to make the bones stronger. That means that the good old green plant will help you make your bones stronger than they used to be.

6. It Might as well Help Manage Cancer Complications

This one is considered the most significant medical benefit of the cannabis plant. It is believed that medical marijuana helps in mitigating complications of severe medical conditions like cancer. Even if it doesn’t help with every single type of cancer, there are some types of cancer in which it surely helps. There’s a decent amount of research that it does. That is why doctors around the world are convinced, hence doses of medical marijuana are being served to cancer patients.

7. Having Problems Concentrating? Light a Marijuana-filled Cigarette

Smoking a joint might help you manage a lot of your problems, including if you’re suffering from a lack of attention/focus (ADHD and ADD). People that are unable to focus on their daily tasks and/or having difficulties concentrating, this is the answer to your problem. Cannabis has shown promising results for the people that are facing the above-mentioned problems. It’s also considered a much safer substitute for Adderall and Ritalin.

8. Marijuana Shows Great Results as far as Hepatitis C is concerned

There are several side effects that one may face during the treatment of the disease, like fatigue, nausea, and muscle aches. For some hepatitis C patients, these side effects can last for months, and that can be a huge problem.

Marijuana can help the patients in reducing these side effects. Not only that, but it can also help the treatment in being more effective.

Final Word

All these factors prove that marijuana has a lot of potential health benefits, and we can do well to get benefitted from this gift of nature. Even if you’re not suffering from any of the above-mentioned conditions, it can still do wonders as it has been in human use for so many centuries. Even in ancient times, people used this plant to get tons of health-related benefits. It might be something new for us; it’s certainly not for them.

On the other hand, it’s equally essential for you to first consult your doctor about the use of marijuana. It’s always a better idea to consult a professional instead of starting on our own. So make sure to visit your doctor first.

Other than that, make sure that it’s legal to consume marijuana. Check out the local or state laws before you start thinking about starting the smoky habit. Try asking your friends first, and then do minor research on your own to determine the exact status of marijuana in your area/state.

Finally, if it’s all green flags for you, it’s always a good idea to take a slow start and then build up as you start getting used to it. It’s pretty standard that people start smoking marijuana and escalate very quickly, and it never ends up ideally for them. So take a really slow and steady start and feel what you notice. How do your body and your mind react to it? If it’s all good, start increasing the amount of marijuana but only slightly? Happy smoking!

More Reads: Dosing with CBD Just Got a Lot Easier, A Closer Look at Vaping


  • Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2019 Jul 24.
  • Abdallah S, Smith B, Moore M, et al. Effect of Vaporized Cannabis on Exertional Breathlessness and Exercise Endurance in Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2018 Oct;15(10):1146-1158.
  • Botsford S, Yang S, George T. Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Impact on Illness Onset and Course, and Assessment of Therapeutic Potential. Am J Addict. 2020 Jan;29(1):9-26. 
  • Ko G, Bober S, Mindra S, et al. Medical cannabis – the Canadian perspective. J Pain Res. 2016 Sep 30;9:735-744.

The post What does Marijuana Help with? appeared first on Just Cannabis.

Source: JCS

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar

Whether you are a regular cannabis user and have lately wondered how long does marijuana stay in your system or just planning to give weed a try, you have come to the right place. We have gathered all the information regarding weed and for how long does weed stay in your hair, urine, or blood. Go through the rest of the article to know more about the topic.

There are plenty of factors to look at before concluding as to how long weed stays in your system. Let’s have a look at the contributing factors.

Let’s start from the top – how Long THC stay in Blood

Weed stays in your body for 1-30 days, but of course, it depends on the amount of dose you have consumed. As in, it’s one of the reasons. If you have consumed only a small amount of it, you would probably not even feel it, and your body flushes it out sooner than usual. But in case you have consumed more than you should, way more, then due to obvious reasons, it might stay in your system for longer than usual.

How Long Does Cannabis Stay in your System? It Depends on How Often You Consume it

If you are someone who uses weed every day, there are fat chances that your body will accept that it’s habitual of weed. Likewise, if you don’t consume much of it and when you, it’s strictly occasionally, your body tells you don’t do it regularly. In other words, how often you smoke it, along with how much you smoke, are two of the main reasons that will decide how long it will last in your system.

Similarly, as far as the daily weed smokers are concerned, traces of amounts in their body may be detectable even after months. Even if they have recently stopped consuming it, the chances are that it can be detected in your urine, blood or hair.

Coming to the detection methods, there are a lot of options that are used to detect the presence of weed 

They are as follows:

The saliva test: 

Wondering how long does THC stay in saliva? If you have been consuming weed, there is a chance that your saliva will contain traces of the plant as the standard time duration for the weed to last in the saliva of a consumer is between 32-48 hours.

The Urine test: 

 The second type of test is perhaps the most common amongst them all that tells how long does weed stay in urine. It’s the urine test. A person that does not frequently consume weed may test positive for about 2-3 days. Similarly, a person that usually uses weed like serval times a week might test positive for between 1-3 weeks. In comparison, a heavy stoner’s urine can be detected for weed for about a month.

The people that orally consume weed (by eating it) might result positive for about 2-3 days. 

Next up is the hair test: 

This might catch you as a surprise that weed in hair can be detected for as long as 90 days – 3 months, that is. The other side of it is that this test is usually carried out for people that are either medium or heavy users as studies have found that this test isn’t so effective for the people that are occasional smokers (light consumers). 

Finally, the popular blood test: 

You might already hear about this test, but like most people, you won’t exactly be able to tell the duration by which the use of marijuana can be detected. So the use of weed can be detected on the blood test for as many as 36 hours.

Some More Factors to Consider

So before we wrap it all up, let’s quickly have a look at the other factors that affect how long does THC stay in your system and will show up on the tests; they include:

  •  The THC levels in your weed: The higher the THC levels in your weed, the higher you’re going to feel, and the longer it would stay in your system.
  •  How often do you consume weed: The other factor is if you’re a frequent consumer or not. If you’re a regular consumer, it might well show up on the drug screen. If you’re not, you might get away with it.
  •  The last use: Another important factor is when you last used weed. If it’s some time recently, it’s going to pop up on the screen. And if it has been a while, you might get lucky.
  • It varies on a person’s system: There are some people whose bodies are quick in processing the THC. This means that their bodies get rid of the THC sooner than the rest of the people. So let’s hope you’re one of those people who have systems that quickly process marijuana.
  • The body’s hydration levels: It’s always good to have a hydrated body. There are chances that a good, hydrated body will get rid of marijuana far more quickly than the dehydrated ones. All the more reasons to start drinking more water. So if you haven’t been drinking much water, this is the time you should start drinking more water.

These are all the significant factors that can determine how long the weed stays in your system.

Also, this is an excellent reminder that we all should consume weed in moderation. The usage of weed in excess amounts is undoubtedly not going to help. So if you’re one of those people that frequently smoke and in large quantities, this is the time to slow down. Try reducing the amount of weed every time you are willing to have a joint session with your mates or by yourself. Another reason why you should stop using too much weed is the tolerance level. In case it increased, you might have to face difficulties in getting high in the first place.

Related Reads: Quick and Easy Guide to Taking Weed Edibles, 5 Myths and Truths about the Endocannabinoid System, Weed Edibles Guide


  • Recommended methods for the identification and analysis of cannabis and cannabis products. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 2009.

The post How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System? appeared first on Just Cannabis.

Source: JCS

How to Smoke Hash

Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar

If you are wondering how to use hash, you are in the right place. Hash (aka hashish) is a cannabis concentrate that is one of the oldest known to man. During this time there have been many innovative ways of how to take hash. Let’s go over the standard methods on how to smoke hash.

How to Smoke Hash In A Joint

To smoke hash in a joint, simply break off a chunk of hash, break it up, and roll it in rolling paper as you would a normal joint. You can also mix in tobacco if you want. Adding hashish to your joint is an excellent way to enhance the therapeutic effects of cannabis.

How to Smoke Hash In A Pipe

To smoke hash in a pipe, break several pieces of hash off and place them in your pipe. A few small chunks are better than one large chunk when using a pipe to smoke hash because it facilitates better airflow. However, not everybody enjoys smoking hash in a pipe because since so much of the hash burns off before you can inhale it, some users feel this is too wasteful.

How to Smoke Bubble Hash

Bubble hash is an excellent hash for dabbing. To smoke bubble hash, simply get a glass banger and make sure it’s clean. That allows for a slow burn of the hash, which creates a smoother experience.

Hot-knifing Hash

You can heat a knife on the stove or over a fire in dire circumstances and put a piece of hash on the hot knife in a process known as hot-knifing. Use a paperclip to secure the hash in this process so that it doesn’t fall off. Next, inhale the smoke through a straw. That is not a very efficient method of smoking hash because a lot of the smoke will escape. 

Vaping Hash

Vaping is extremely popular these days. It’s crucial that you purchase a quality vape pen that is for vaping hash. You can even buy vape pens that are made explicitly for cannabis concentrates. Be sure to clean your vape pen in between uses.

Smoking Hash In A Bong

To smoke hash from a bong, break the hash into small bits for improved airflow. Add the hashish to the bong bowl, light it up and toke away. You want to make sure to keep your bong nice and clean before and after each use. 


Hash Guide to Dosages 

  • 1-2.5 mg of THC is best for minor pain relief, stress and anxiety relief, and beginner users. 
  • 2.5-15 mg of THC is best for relieving chronic pain and other medical conditions, including antisocial personality disorder or insomnia. This higher dosage of THC may cause a sense of altered reality and a lack of coordination. 
  • 15-30 mg of THC is used for chronic insomnia and recommended for experienced users only. 
  • 30-50 mg of THC is used for those whose bodies don’t metabolize cannabis well. A dose at this level will cause intense feelings of euphoria. 

Final Words on How to Smoke Hash

Now that we know many different ways of how to use hash, which one will you choose? Just remember to smoke hash responsibly and in appropriate doses. If you are looking to buy hash online in Canada you can visit our shop at Just Cannabis.

Interesting Reads: How to Smoke Shatter, How to Make Your Own Hash(


The post How to Smoke Hash appeared first on Just Cannabis.

Source: JCS

How To Grow Magic Mushrooms

Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar

Did you know that you can learn how to grow shrooms of your own with just a few easy steps! How to grow magic mushrooms isn’t hard, and anyone can do it. Learn the best way to grow shrooms for either personal or commercial use.


When you’re learning how to grow psilocybin mushrooms, the first thing you’ll need is a container. Jars are ideal, but you can make the process work in any heat-proof container with a lid. Use a hammer and some nails to poke holes in your cover. 

Next, prepare your mushroom spores and substrate by combining vermiculite and water. Add brown rice and flour, then fill your jar halfway with water. Bring it to a boil for sterilization.


Sanitize your syringe with moderate heat and an alcohol wipe. Use the syringe to extract some of your spores from their substrate mixture. Inject the spores into your jar through the holes in the lid. If you’re using multiple containers, inject a portion of the solution into each container. Finally, use tape to cover the holes in your lid and set your containers aside.


After giving your spores a chance to grow, it’s time to move to the next step of how to grow shrooms. Prepare a growing chamber with feeding materials for your spores. Start by opening your jars and removing the vermiculite layer. Rinse them in cold water to release any loose pieces, then transfer them to the growing chamber.

How To Grow Magic Mushrooms 2


So how long does it take to grow magic mushrooms? Your mushrooms should look like baby lumps when you move them to the growing chamber. Expect them to be ready for harvest in 12 days.

Now that you know how to grow psilocybin mushrooms let’s explore storage options. You can dry mature shrooms in a sealed container using Epsom salt. Add a layer of salt to the bottom of the container and cover it with paper towels. Then add your mushrooms and seal the container, making sure it’s airtight. The salt will absorb the water from the mushrooms, leaving you with a batch of homemade dried shrooms.

Plan to use any fresh, undried shrooms when they’re mature. Even using the best way to grow shrooms, fresh mushrooms can spoil in only a few weeks. You should keep your shrooms in cold storage until you’re ready to use them.

Final Words on How to Grow Magic Mushrooms

When it comes to growing shrooms, practice makes perfect. Don’t be discouraged if things don’t turn out the first time, and give yourself a pat on the back if things went as it should. Lastly, if you want to bypass the entire mushroom growing process you can buy shrooms online in Canada from dispensaries like

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The post How To Grow Magic Mushrooms appeared first on Just Cannabis.

Source: JCS