Know Your Herbs

How to Extend the Life of a Vaporizer Battery

The world has conveniently moved on from
e-cigarettes with disposable batteries to ones with lithium-ion polymer
battery. The polymer batteries are rechargeable, making it handy for the
frequent vapers. Well, the manufacturers claim that the life of a battery is
about 300 charging cycles. But, have you noticed that the battery of your vape
does not last for long as it used to? Or maybe you want to extend the life of
your battery and improve its performance? Here are a few helpful and handy tips
to achieve an extended life of your vaporizer battery.

1. Turn it off immediately after using:

Like for any other device with a battery,
shutting your vape off immediately after use can save battery life. A majority
of new devices that are surfacing into the market have firing button locks
along with sleep mode. Although the sleep option is convenient for it instantly
wakes the vape, without making you wait. But, the sleep mode drains the battery
of your vape passively. The best way to ensure that the battery lasts longer is
by shutting it off completely when they are not in use, rather than putting it
on sleep.  

2. Store properly:

The way you store the batteries of a vape can have an impact on their lives. Keeping them out in the open in moisture, or the car on a sunny day, or even in cooler temperatures can take a toll on the performance of a battery. To keep them healthy and running for long, you need to make sure that you store them away from moisture and direct heat. You must keep them in a safe place to avoid mishap such as dropping and damaging them.             

3. Avoid overcharging:

The most common mistake that we tend to
make is leaving the battery charger plugged in throughout the night. Such
negligence can reduce its life. The similar concept holds when it comes to vape
batteries. By letting the battery charge through the night, you make it prone
to overheating and overcharging, which can lead to battery damage.

Hundreds of people are in the habit of
leaving their electricals on charge at night, even if their batteries are at
80% charge. If you are doing the same to your vape battery, you are ultimately
reducing its total capacity, which we often call “battery memory”. So, if you
don’t want your vape to last for lesser time, charge only when it reaches about

4. Use your pen regularly:

Just like a phone battery, the battery of your e-cigarette will thrive when you use it frequently. If you do not want your vape pen to get weak with time then you must ensure its regular use. If you keep it under use regularly, then there is no reason that your highs with this vape pen will be any lesser than the high from a solid strain. Although there can be plenty of things you can do while charging your vape, the best way to prolong the life of vape battery is by vaping frequently. In simpler terms, more puffs give it an increased lifespan. It doesn’t mean that you must vape endlessly, but just that you must keep the devices in use if you need the battery to its full course.

5.  Keep the battery clean:

The batteries in a vaporizer can get dirty with regular use. It takes continuous journeys in and out of your pocket, and then there are those dreadful e-liquid spills, making it into a grimy combination. E-liquid, e-juice or even vape liquid is the liquid that fuels your vape and gives you the high. The CBD vape oil that you use comes from plants which are grown from high-grade marijuana seeds.      

You can notice dust and other coverings
on the threads that connect the vape to the cartomizer or clogging the holes
under the threading. If you do, your vape might need a thorough cleaning. The
blockage can prevent your vape from working properly by making the battery work
harder than required and thus limiting its life. So, to keep it running well,
give the vape a good cleaning with a cotton swab.

6. Charge them before storing:

There can be times when you decide you
keep your vape away for a few weeks or maybe even months. Before you put your
e-cigarette away, make sure that you charge it to full. If you keep it without
full battery, it will drain slowly while the vape is in storage. So, the next
time you charge it before using, the battery will need to work harder to get
charged fully. Putting it through extra work can decrease the overall lifespan
of the battery, and you will need to replace the battery soon. Also, do not use
the battery to its full capacity, always charge when it reaches 30%

7. Remove the cartomizer:

The cartomizer includes the battery of an
e-cigarette, and it completes the circuit. Leaving the cartomizer for a long
period when the vape is not in use can cause the battery to drain passively.
So, if you think you are not going to use your vaping device for a while, make
sure you take out the cartomizer. It will save up on the battery and gives it a
longer life. 

8. Rotate the batteries:    

Well if you have more than one set of batteries with you, it is essential to put all of them to use regularly. Most people carry around a spare battery in case the first one runs out, but that hardly ever happens. So the spare one keeps traveling in your pocket or bag, without your actually using it. If you only use the extra battery in case of an emergency, you are unintentionally wearing it down. In order to keep all of your batteries in use, rotate them frequently.  

If you are a regular smoker, your vape is more like an investment. From picking the right vaping pen to a battery, and even the flavour of e-juice, you like to have the best. If you are spending plenty of time and effort in getting the right vape, you ought to make the most of it. By taking good care of the vape battery and the vaping pen itself, you can save a ton of money on replacing the batteries in the long run.

The post How to Extend the Life of a Vaporizer Battery appeared first on FairCannaCare.

Source: faircannacare

The Best Cannabis Strains for Focus and Clarity

Cannabis, although known to
produce a sedating effect, is also responsible for stimulating concentration.
Hence, it acts as a natural boost for the ones who struggle to stay focused. It
has been widely accepted by artists and sportspersons to increase their
attentiveness towards their work.

How Does Cannabis Stimulate Focus and Concentration?

While there are other methods to preserve concentration, people tend to prefer a more natural way of doing so. Thus, cannabis enters the picture to save the day. Although research in this field is slower than in other fields related to cannabis, people are undertaking their projects to find out more. Researchers at the University of Georgia have attested that marijuana helps drivers drive better. This can be translated directly as a testimony to the fact that weed does help one focus better.

According to an interview given to Civilized, Andrew Mack, founder of OLO,  said marijuana or weed, if taken in proper doses, can increase focus. In the required strains of cannabis, CBD dominates to control the effects of THC. CBD comes in different forms such lotions, lip balms, etc and has numerous health benefits such as cbd lotion for back pain, arthritis and treating anxiety.

Further, the amalgamation of cannabinoids and terpenes works to reduce the effects of psychoactive elements, thus activating creative energy. With the distracting effects in control, people can delve into their work with ample focus and concentration.

There exist plenty of
cannabis strains that can influence creativity. A few of those are listed

Sour Diesel

Cannabis Strains for Valentine's Day

Sour Diesel is a combination of two separate genetics, Sativa and Indica, in a seven is to three (7:3) ratio. This comes from four variants of marijuana: Northern Light, Shiva, Original Diesel, and Hawaiian. As a result, strains containing 19% of THC, besides moderate levels of CBD finds usage. The user does enter a high state but with succinct clarity. All distractive patterns usually observed under the influence of psychoactive elements in marijuana disappear to replace it with a surge of creative energy within the user. There are no trippy thoughts and actions. In fact, the person tends to be more aware of even the tiniest detail around him or her.

OG Kush

cannabis strains to relieve pain

As opposed to the previous candidate, OG Kush contains Indica and Sativa in a three to two (3:2) ratio. Bred from three classic permutations of the cannabis plant- Chem Dawg, Pakistani Kush, and Lemon Thai, it achieves a high state that induces calm and relaxation in a user. In spite of the 75% of Indica that is usually associated with psychoactive behavior, it succeeds in entering this list of artistic preferences. Further, 19% THC and an average amount of CBD makes the effect faster and retains it for a longer time.

Green Punch

Punch is a derivative of two variants which also gives it its name: Green crack
and Purple Punch. These two alternatives donate their most dominating
properties to Green Punch, making it versatile. While Purple Punch is more of
Indica that works towards stoning a person, Green Crack is the alternative that
induces more energy and motivation. Hence, the amalgamation of these strains
produces a variation that can help one focus deeply, while also stimulating a
subtle feeling of high that brings patience and eases tension. The THC content
in this is 20%, making it more effective in allowing the flow of creative

Lemon Shining Silver Haze

A crossbreed of Lemon Skunk
and Shining Silver Haze, this strain shows characteristics only an avid smoker
can handle. This is clearly not for the newer ones who are simply trying a few
joints. Lemon Shining Silver Haze consists of 21% of THC, driven by Indica and
Sativa in a three is to two (3:2) ratio. This works wonders for analysts and
researchers who require concentration to sit and do their work for hours
together. In novices, however, the high state can go out of control and end up
stoning the person strongly.

Additional Marijuana Strains

While a few of the
dominating names in this field find a position here, there a few that deserve a
place in this article. A few more effective ones are as follows:

  1. Royal Jack Automatic
  2. Lamb’s Beard
  3. Durban Poison
  4. Chem Dawg
  5. Maui Waui

Where to Buy These Cannabis Strains?

Buying discounted sour diesel seeds has become way easier than what it used to be a few years back, owing to the legalization of the same in 33 states across America. Some people still feel skeptical and socially embarrassed about buying weed.  The reason behind this is the taboo associated with the same. This is where online shops come in handy. Online dispensaries, such as, have authentic authorization to sell marijuana in proper quantities.


Due to extensive research
and the willingness to accept the properties of marijuana in the medical
fraternity, the last few years have seen progress in this realm. Although this
particular portion of properties remains comparatively unscathed in terms of exploration,
there certainly exists a boost among the common men. People have shown interest
in this line of research, hence accepting change with open arms.

The post The Best Cannabis Strains for Focus and Clarity appeared first on FairCannaCare.

Source: faircannacare

Why is Cannabis Beneficial for Skincare?

Cannabis is having a significant moment right now, with many people embracing the substance. The plant comes in two types; Sativa and Indica. Each of these strains comes with different effects on the body and results in several health benefits. Sativa strains give an energizing experience while Indica strains provide deep relaxation.

More people are also turning to natural and
sustainable skincare products, due to the potential that cannabis has in
treating various skin conditions. As a result, numerous cannabis skincare
products like creams, salves, and lotions are taking the market by storm. 

But, why cannabis is becoming famous fast in
the beauty industry for use in skincare? Here are a few reasons that explain
its success.

Quick Cannabis Facts

a lot of mystery and misconception that surrounds the use of cannabis. Before
jumping into its role in the beauty industry, it’s vital to set the record

used in skincare products is non-psychoactive. Furthermore, using CBD in
skincare or other types of products is entirely legal. However, the CBD must
meet set standards. One such standard requires the CBD to contain 0.3% or less THC.

CBD has zero psychoactive effects on the body, you don’t run any risks like failing a drug test after using CBD
or CBD infused products as long as the concentration of THC is within the
required standards.

that aside, here are the reasons for the growing success of cannabis in the
beauty industry.

1. It Helps With Skin Irritation

skin is the body’s first line of defense. It comes in contact with various
contaminants, germs, and bacteria. Considering the substantial amounts of
irritants, it’s natural that your skin might feel itchy and have a rush
commonly known as skin irritation.

applied topically, cannabis offers localized relief from pain. It can also
reduce inflammation making it easier to deal with bug bites, skin abrasions,
and scratches. 

than using CBD creams to treat rashes and dry skin, the National Eczema
Association also found that CBD is effective in reducing
the symptoms and appearance of atopic dermatitis

2. It Helps With Skin Aging

though aging is inevitable, it’s possible to delay the signs of aging. People
spend substantially to prevent and eradicate wrinkles on the skin. CBD beauty
products seem to be a more affordable and effective way of delaying aging.

contains highly potent antioxidants that
are essential in the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles. These radicals help
to eliminate free radicals and prevent them from damaging key components of
youthful skin- collagen and elastin. This allows the user to keep a tight and
youthful appearance longer.

put, cannabis will not only help to keep your skin looking glamorous but also
keep it healthy.

3. Cannabis Can Combat Acne

is proving to be a nightmare both to victims and to experts. There are no
absolute acne treatments and no known causes as well. Finding an effective
treatment and routine is tricky and can be exhaustive.

offers a multi-pronged approach in the fight against acne. It contains
essential fatty acids that keep the skin hydrated and limit the loss of water
from the skin. The antibacterial
of cannabis help to fight infections that
could lead to flare-up and one of the leading contributors to acne. 

beauty brands that stock cannabis creams and skincare products also make sure
that cannabis skincare products are non-comedogenic. That means the cream or
product won’t clog the pores.

fact that cannabis is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, as
aforementioned, also goes a long way to tame the aggressiveness of acne.

A study
also shows that CBD helps to regulate lipid production, which is essential in
combating excessively oily skin. All these factors combined provide a
comprehensive and practical solution for people suffering from acne. 

4. Fights Bacterial Skin Infection

so much exposure and limited protection from external elements, the skin is
susceptible to bacterial infections and other physical attacks. While cannabis
can’t help you fight off skin scrapes and cuts, it contains antimicrobial and
antibacterial properties that can help you fight skin infection.

recent study
on CBD, one of the primary compounds in cannabis found that it can provide
relief to numerous skin infections like impetigo, folliculitis, cellulitis, and
boils. What’s more, CBD was also found to kill certain bacteria that are
resistant to antibiotics.

study to prove that cannabis fights a bacterium
that causes difficult to treat infections called MRSA shows that the same
bacterium doesn’t respond to most antibiotics.

the prevention ability of CBD, it’s clear to see why most skincare brands would
be quick to add cannabis to its list of ingredients. After all, skin infections
can significantly affect appearance.

5. Boosts the Protective Shield

using cannabis-based skincare products can greatly curb skin deterioration.
Everyday factors like the sun, smoke, and other environmental pollutants affect
the skin cells and compromise the health and suppleness of the skin.

contains vitamins A and D. Both vitamins are vital to the health and wellbeing
of the skin. On the one hand, vitamin A protects the skin
against damage from the sun and slows down the process of aging. The same
vitamin also encourages healthy production of skin cells to replace the damaged
and old ones.

On the
other hand, vitamin D, which is commonly associated with bone health also has
plenty to do with the health of your skin. It prevents premature aging on the
skin and can also help with many skin conditions like skin dryness, itchiness,
and psoriasis.

sun is the primary source of vitamin D. However, exposing yourself to the sun
for too long can cause sunburn and increases the chances of skin cancer. With
the sufficiency of vitamin D levels in cannabis, it’s possible to improve the
levels of vitamin D in your body, without exposing yourself to the dangers of
staying under the sun for too long.


These are some of the benefits that come with using skincare products containing CBD.  From the above list, it’s clear why cannabis skincare products are experiencing an upsurge. Given the numerous benefits that cannabis provides to the skin, it’s understandable why more people are turning to cannabis and realizing that growing marijuana is a good idea after all.

The post Why is Cannabis Beneficial for Skincare? appeared first on FairCannaCare.

Source: faircannacare

Cannabis Industry: A Giant Step Forward

The cannabis industry
took a giant step forward from an untracked black-market business to a legal
business generating billions of dollars in revenues. The cannabis industry’s
growth is poised solely to recapitulate, with expectations to double or maybe
tripled by 2025.

As more countries
legalize and other government debates following in the giant step forward of
the cannabis industry that exchange commission is expected to move to the legal
side. Cannabis have been in the marketed globally and became a spotlight
especially in well-ness category.

The Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is
quite recognized for two principal classes of businesses. The cultivators,
which do the farming, and dispensaries, which do the trading and. However,
these are distant from the unique businesses operating in the cannabis
industry. The cannabis industry can broadly be broken down into two fields,
known as “Touch” and “No-Touch” businesses.

Many countries have
already legalized the use of cannabis for both recreational and medical
purposes. A giant step forward in the awareness of the plants benefits as
studies and research continues to grow.


Plant-touching (Touch)
companies do just as the title implies; these firms work with the cannabis
plant itself, either growing, distributing, processing or marketing it. These
tend to be the enterprises most people consider when they think of the cannabis
industry. Plant-touching businesses are regularly subjected to the most
stringent regulations covering the industry, and many must secure complex
licensing processes before they can roll the business.

  • Breeder

Breeders are focused on producing high-quality
cannabis seeds
.  Many breeders
are also at the vanguard of formulating new strains and experimenting with
plant characteristics. Many of these focal points are on the effects of the
strain on the consumer.

  • Cultivator

Cultivators are the industries that farm or cultivate the cannabis
plant itself. It’s a comparably a challenging sector to break into. In the
United States, most state laws require that cannabis be planted indoors
following a distinct set of conditions, meaning cultivators need to rent or
acquire a warehouse space and transform it to meet their requirements.a

Cultivation needs a lot of resources from grow lights and
environment control systems, and safety. Each country has its own licensure
process a cultivator must pass through before starting to grow. They tend to be
difficult and require a business plan, transparent financials, a floorplan of
the plant and more.

  • Extractor

Cannabis extractors select raw plant material and utilize it into
concentrates, such as oil. These concentrates are profoundly potent substances
that maintain the cannabinoids or compounds like THC and CBD.

Concentrates can either be used by consumers in a vaporizer or
sold to them for other purposes. However, many concentrates are traded to
value-added manufacturers that use the extracted element to create new
merchandises like edibles.

An extraction needs a vital upfront expenditure in the right
machinery and requires an intimate understanding of the different processes
used to extract cannabinoids from the plant material.

  • Manufacturer

Manufacturers carry the value-added processes that take cannabis
buds like banana kush and
concentrates. The cannabis, as raw materials will be transformed into various
products. For example, any consumable product, such as cookies, brownies or
gummy bears, was a component of a production method to infuse the goods with


No-Touch is ancillary
businesses in the cannabis industry wanted to continue the actual growth,
processing, and marketing of cannabis products. These businesses are commonly
associated with rendering a product or service to the cannabis industry but are
not directly associated with the cannabis plant itself.

These are suppliers of
growing supplies, packaging, marketing, legal services, etc. These include data
platforms, agricultural technology companies, point-of-sale systems, payment processors, digital marketers, attorneys, accountants
and more. They are the equivalent classifications of companies needed to
support business processes in any other industry.

  • Digital Marketers

Digital marketers can practice in marketing for cannabis
industries in world wide web. The key is completely researching cannabis and
the industry, joining in one of the various cannabis-specific commerce organizations
or networking groups, and setting a firm as a knowledge director in the
cannabis network.

  • Ancillary Service Provider

Ancillary businesses are the broad variety of partnerships
providing business to business services to other firms in the cannabis industry. The exceptional point about starting an ancillary business in
cannabis is it enables a company to turn any existing skillset and expertise
into a green and rapidly taking a giant step forward in the cannabis industry.

Side Notes

Also,There are
laboratories directed on product testing, value-added producers creating
products like edibles and concentrates, industry-specific information
platforms, and an invocation of professionals from lawyers to traders. Although
the cannabis industry is presently growing, it’s still young to take a giant
step forward.

About The Author:
Mikaela Smith is a young Chemical Engineer and an active advocate for medical cannabis raising awareness. A researcher by day and writer at night. After years of collecting information from hundreds of cannabis experts and institution. She wants to inspire others how we could see the world as haven as she found the safest, most effective relief and hope in medical cannabis.

The post Cannabis Industry: A Giant Step Forward appeared first on FairCannaCare.

Source: faircannacare