Category Archives: Strain Spotlight

Top 5 Kush Weed Strains

If you are a cannabis user, you’ve probably heard of Kush weed. Kush is often associated with top-quality, exceptional cannabis, but what is Kush marijuana? This top-performing strain type has a long history originating in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Kush strains can deliver excellent results, so it’s in high demand at Canadian cannabis dispensaries. First, let’s look at the top 5 kush weed strains voted by our readers. Please note, this is a subjective list, and there are hundreds of kush-related strains that […]

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What is Skunk Weed?

Written and Fact Checked by: S. Zulfiqar   If you have traveled, you must be aware that in different areas, words change their meanings. As time passes by, the slangs become so popular that the younger generation has no clue why something is called whatever it’s called. Similar is the case with the word Skunk. Now, thanks to Pepé Le Pew we all know what skunk means and what it is popular for – stink bombs. When alarmed or attacked, the squirrel-like animal sprays a liquid as one of […]

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