Cannabis Use Before Bedtime Does Not Cause Next-Day Impairment Of Cognitive Ability Or Driving Performance, Study Shows

A new study suggests that using marijuana before sleep has minimal, if any, effect on a range of performance measures the next day, including simulated driving, cognitive and psychomotor function tasks, subjective effects, and mood. The report, which drew data from a larger study investigating the effects of THC and CBD on insomnia, looked at outcomes from 20 adults with physician-diagnosed insomnia who infrequently used marijuana. Find cannabis on Weedmaps “The results of this study indicate that a single oral dose of 10 mg THC (in combination […]

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Lawmakers Push To Let VA Doctors Recommend Medical Marijuana And End THC Testing For Federal Job Applicants

Bipartisan congressional lawmakers have filed a series of new amendments that seek to authorize U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) doctors to issue medical marijuana recommendations to military veterans, prevent marijuana testing for federal job applicants in legal states, prohibit the denial of security clearances over cannabis use and support research on the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics. Find cannabis Weedmaps As part of a large-scale spending bill covering Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies (MilConVA) for the 2025 fiscal year as well as the separate National […]

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Tips and Guides for Growing Cannabis Indoors or Outdoors: A Beginner’s Guide

Growing cannabis can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it requires careful planning, attention to detail, and the right knowledge. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced grower, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and guides for growing cannabis indoors or outdoors. Indoor Growing Growing cannabis indoors offers more control over the environment, allowing you to manipulate factors like temperature, humidity, and light. Here are some tips for growing cannabis indoors: Outdoor Growing Growing cannabis outdoors offers more space and natural sunlight, which can […]

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