Know Your Herbs

Drying And Curing Weed | The Complete Guide To Better Buds

Curing Weed

Every stage of the marijuana plant’s life cycle is important. But the final stage — drying and curing weed — can literally make or break the entire process. It’s very much like spreading frosting on a cake. If you don’t do it right, you’ll ruin all your hard work.

As vital as drying and curing weed properly is to the success of your grow, few people know how to do it right. But the experts at Honest Marijuana have been growing, drying, and curing some of the best cannabis in the industry for many years now. We’ve accumulated a lot of knowledge in that time — what to do and what not to do — and we’re ready to pass it on to you.

Use this information to make your homegrown hash harvest the best it can be.

What’s The Difference Between Curing Weed And Drying Weed?

Marijuana plant for curing weed

Many people use the terms drying and curing interchangeably, so there is some confusion as to what differentiates the two. Here’s what each term means as it applies to pot production.

Drying Weed

Imagine one of your marijuana flowers as if it were your skin after a dip in the ocean. You’re going to dry your skin with a towel or let it dry in the sun. But that drying isn’t going to remove the moisture deep within your skin. It’s only going to get at the surface water.

The same concept is true for drying your pot buds. Drying weed removes moisture from the surface layers of your bud only. It doesn’t affect the interior of the flower. For that, you need curing.

Curing Weed

On a technical level, curing weed is the manipulation of moisture deep within the cannabis flower in order to start, maintain, and control the chemical reaction of decomposition while keeping the bud from actually decaying.

The easiest way to understand curing weed is to think of it like aging wine. Allowing the wine to sit in a barrel or cask imparts flavor and smoothness that wouldn’t be there if you just drank it right away.

The same concept is true for curing your pot buds. Curing your weed allows the flower to develop a full spectrum of flavors and smells.

But curing weed isn’t just about how it tastes and how it smells. It’s also about the overall experience and how the marijuana affects your body and mind.

Why Is Curing Weed Important?

Weed plants ready for curing

Curing weed does a number of vital things to the chemical makeup of the bud you smoke, vaporize, or turn into edibles.

The Flavors & Aromas

Chlorophyll is the lifeblood of the pot plant. It’s the chemical that makes your cannabis grow and thrive. But chlorophyll is also the chemical that makes your bud taste and smell like fresh cut grass.

Curing weed provides time for the chlorophyll at the heart of the marijuana to break down and leave the plant. This brings out the other unique, sometimes subtle, flavors of your cannabis strain.

Think about the minty aroma of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, or the fruity flavor of Fruity Pebbles. These novel flavors and aromas only come out after the chlorophyll is gone.

The Experience

Curing weed reduces the harshness (from the chlorophyll) that’s common during the marijuana experience. Proper curing minimizes the “acidity” you feel in your throat during that first inhale. That leads to less hacking and a more enjoyable experience.

The Effects

Woman smoking after curing weed

Curing weed improves the effects you feel and diminishes the likelihood that you’ll experience anxiety, paranoia, and racing thoughts after smoking a bowl or blunt.

Curing also gives the terpenes and cannabinoids time to fully develop. This actually improves the potency of your bud. So curing weed properly literally makes your ganja better. If you ask us, that’s worth waiting for.

Drying And Curing Weed Takes Time

A good point to remember about drying and curing weed is that all good things take time. You can’t rush through or force the process and expect to have a good batch of bud.

Drying your weed usually only takes a week to 10 days depending on the temperature, humidity, and air flow. Curing, on the other hand, can range anywhere from two to three weeks for a quality batch to four to eight weeks for an even better batch. Some strains even need six months to cure completely.

That’s a long time to wait for some weed, but the benefits will be well worth your time.

How To Dry And Cure Your Weed For Best Results

1) Harvest Your Weed And Trim The Leaves

The first step in the process is to harvest your marijuana plant at just the right time — not too early, and not too late. This helps to maximize the growth and development of the trichomes (the glands that produce THC, CBD, CBN, CBG, and all the other groovy cannabinoids).

Once you’ve cut down your pot plant, separate the buds from the main stem and trim off any leaves that protrude from the flowers.

This is an important step in drying and curing weed so we’ll take a bit of time to go into detail about how best to trim your cannabis flowers.

Trim All You Can Before Drying And Curing Weed

Marijuana ready to be dried and cured
As we discussed in the previous section, curing weed correctly improves the flavors, aromas, experience, and effects of the finished product.

But the efficacy of the drying and curing process depends, in large part, on how thorough you are trimming the leaves after harvest.

Every part of the pot plant contains chlorophyll, but the leaves contain more than the buds.

Leftover chlorophyll is largely responsible for the harshness and hack-inducing feelings you get after a deep inhale from a bong or blunt.

The drying and curing process gets rid of the majority of the chlorophyll in the buds, but leftover leaves will still retain enough to make you cough like you’ve been pepper-sprayed.

Trim all you can before drying and curing weed. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Pruning snips
  • Pruning shears (yes, snips and shears are different)
  • Disposable rubber gloves (thin latex medical gloves, not the thick dishwashing gloves)
  • Three trays or cookie sheets (one for the cut branch, one for the trimmings, and one for your finished bud)
  • Rubbing alcohol (for cleaning)
  • Rag (for cleaning)

And here’s how to trim your bud right every time.

A. Find A Weed-Trimming Area

You’re going to need a lot of room, so clear off the kitchen table or set up a folding table in front of the TV.

Depending on how many pot plants you have, you’re going to be trimming for quite a while, so get a comfy chair or make a nest on the sofa.

We also recommend arranging for some type of entertainment because the trimming process can get extremely boring really quickly if you don’t have something to distract you once in a while.

We like sticking in one of our favorite stoner movies because we’ve seen them so often that we don’t have to pay complete attention to what’s going on.

If you’ve got all day, try binge-watching Survivor, Stranger Things (Netflix and chill), or some other intriguing show. Just try not to get distracted and forget to focus on the weed at hand.

B. Set Up Some Ventilation

Trimming weed will dank up the room you’re working in, so it’s a smart idea to crack a window, run an exhaust fan, or set up a carbon scrubber (a sploof for your whole house) to reduce the tell-tale marijuana smell that will surely get everywhere.

Of course, this is completely optional, but don’t say we didn’t warn you.

C. Gloves For The Win

This step is also optional — but highly recommended. Trimming weed is a sticky job, and resin will get everywhere. If you don’t want to wash your hands every five minutes throughout the process, keep a box of disposable latex gloves nearby.

If you opt for the ungloved route, be sure to have plenty of rubbing alcohol on hand to cut the sticky icky off your digits. Trust us, soap and water don’t cut it.

One of the nice things about using gloves is that when they get too sticky to work with, you can trade them in for a fresh pair.

When you do, set the old pair in a bowl or at the corner of your tray. Then, when you’re finished trimming, see if you can extract any of the sticky icky off the surface of the gloves.

Why would you want to go to all that trouble? Because that stuff is basically hash and will make a nice addition to your next smoke sesh.

Try using your fingers to roll the resin off the gloves into little balls (this is the hand-rolling method that canna-enthusiasts have used for thousands of years to make hashish).

For more advice on how to make hash at home, check out this article from the HMJ blog: How To Make Hash: The Complete Guide.

D. Remove A Branch From The Plant

Remove a branch from your pot plant and lay it on one of the cookie trays. Some of the branches will be pretty thick so scissors won’t do.

We recommend buying a sturdy pair of pruning shears that you use exclusively for trimming weed.

Shears are made for cutting thick branches and stems and differ from snips which are made for cutting leaf stems and small-diameter plant matter.

E. Remove The Fan Leaves

You should be able to identify the fan leaves without too much difficulty — they look like every picture you’ve ever seen of a marijuana leaf.

If you’re still confused, keep this in mind: fan leaves grow out of the buds at the ends of the branches. The easiest way to remove the fan leaves is by hand.

Grip the fan leaf at the base of the stem near the branch, apply a bit of pressure, and the leaf should snap right off (latex gloves come in really handy here because your fingers are going to come in contact with a lot of sticky resin).

Don’t discard the fan leaves just yet — they’ve still got their uses. Just pile them on one of the empty cookie trays for now and we’ll get back to them later.

F. Snip The Sugar Leaves

Marijuana leaves
After you remove the fan leaves, you’ll be able to see smaller leaves sticking out of the bud. Typically, just the tips of those leaves will emerge from the bud and you won’t be able to see (or get ahold of) the stems.

This is where your smaller pruning snips come into play.

With snips in hand, cut the sugar leaves so that they’re flush with the bud itself. Do your clipping over the cookie tray that’s already holding your fan leaves.

Remember, you can use all this plant matter later while you’re waiting for your harvest to be ready for consumption.

If your snips get too sticky to use while you’re trimming weed, scrape off as much of the resin as possible and save it for later. Then clean the blades with rubbing alcohol and a rag.

When you’re done trimming weed, the finished bud will look something like this:

nugget of cured weed

Try not to cut the actual bud, but get rid of as many of the leaves as possible.

It’s all right if you leave some (especially on your first try), but any leaf matter left on the bud will make for harsher smoke when you decarboxylate.

G. Repeat

Place the finished branch on the third cookie sheet, and go back to your plant (with shears in hand) for a new piece to trim.

Return to step one and repeat the process until you’ve removed all the branches from your pot plant and trimmed all the leaves from your buds.

H. Do Cool Things With The Leftovers

Left over weed in a tea steeper
As we hinted at in step five, the stuff you cut off the plant in preparation for drying and curing weed is useful too. And most of it you can use right away while you wait for the newly-trimmed buds to cure.

Here’s what you can do with the “leftovers” of the marijuana plant.

  • Stalks — Toss them in a wood chipper to make mulch for the next generation of cannabis plants.
  • Fan leaves — Juice them or brew them as weed tea.
  • Sugar leaves — Cook up a batch of cannabutter.
  • Roots — Grind them up and brew them into tea or prepare as a topical cream.
  • Stems — Take ten minutes and whip up a batch of cannabis stem tea.

Honestly, there’s so much you can do with almost every part of the cannabis plant that once you start looking, you’ll be amazed at the awesome things canna-enthusiasts have come up with (even smoking meat with the stems!).

Now that you’ve got your buds all trimmed, neat, and pretty, you’re ready to start actually drying and curing weed.

2) Hang Your Weed Up To Dry

Got an empty closet with a clothes rod? You’re ready to hang your weed up to dry. If you don’t have an empty closet, don’t worry. Even two hooks and some string will work.

It really doesn’t matter what you use to hang your weed as long as you control the environment around the buds.

The optimal drying environment for your marijuana is:

  • 70 degrees Fahrenheit
  • 50 percent humidity

Depending on where you live and the conditions in your grow area, you may need an air conditioner, an evaporative cooler, a dehumidifier, a humidifier, and/or a heater.

Adjust the environment to meet those conditions, and then leave your weed hanging for a week. You’ll know your pot is ready for the next step with the buds feel dry to the touch and the smaller stems snap instead of bend.

3) Transfer The Buds To Jars

The best storage containers for curing weed are wide-mouth canning jars (e.g., Mason, Ball, etc.). You will need lids for the curing process, so be sure you’ve got some on hand before you begin.

Loosely fill the jars about three-quarters full and screw on the lids. When you shake the jars, the buds should move around. If they don’t, you’ve packed it too tight.

4) Store The Jars In The Right Environment

Weed sign

Just as there were optimal conditions for drying your weed, there are also optimal conditions for curing weed.

The optimal curing environment for your marijuana is:

  • 70 degrees Fahrenheit
  • 60 to 65 percent humidity

It’s also vital that you keep the jars out of the sun. Even though it may be the right temperature and humidity in the room where you store the jars, if they’re in the sun, the heat can cause the temperature and humidity inside the jars to soar.

The best place to store your jars is in a cabinet, closet, or room without direct sunlight. If you use a cabinet or closet, make sure you optimize temperature and humidity inside those spaces.

So, for example, if you store your jars in a closet in your spare room, make sure that the closet — not just the room — is at the optimal temperature and humidity. The conditions inside an enclosed space can differ dramatically from the conditions on the other side of the door.

If you want to be really thorough, you can place a hygrometer in a few of the jars before sealing them up. The hygrometer shows you how humid it is inside the jar so you can get your conditions just right.

Once you’ve finished storing your jars in their place, you’ve technically started the curing process. Congratulations! But, wait, there’s more. Your work’s not done.

5) Open And Inspect The Jars At Least Once A Day

For the first few days curing weed, you may want to open and inspect your jars several times a day. This is especially useful if you’re worried that your bud may still be too moist (which can promote mold and bacteria growth).

If you feel good that your bud is plenty dry at the start of the curing process, stick to this schedule for seven days:

  1. Remove the lid of each jar and count to five.
  2. Replace the lid.
  3. Gently shake the jar to move the new air (and your buds) around.

Continue “burping” your jars once a day during the second week. If everything looks good after two weeks, start opening the jars just once a week for the next two weeks. That will take you through a complete month of curing.

After this first month, you only need to check (i.e., open and shake) your jars once a month for the remainder of the curing process.

Don’t Underestimate The Importance Of Curing WeedHMJ Alien Yoda OG with purple smoke

As you can see from this article, the curing process is one of the most important parts of producing a quality pot plant. At the same time, it just may be the most overlooked and ignored step in the journey from soil to joint.

That’s a shame because curing weed can turn a decent bud into a truly righteous product. Thankfully, now you know why it’s essential and how to do it correctly. So get out there and make your homegrown marijuana the best it can be.

If you want the best cannabis experience without the worry of drying and curing your own weed, don’t settle for anything less than the all-natural, organically-grown strains from Honest Marijuana.

At our Rocky-Mountain-based grow facility, we employ world-class organic growing methodologies to provide cannabis connoisseurs with the purest marijuana experience on the planet.

We grow our plants the way Mother Nature intended: in organic soil without chemicals or pesticides. We even hand-trim our plants so that they’re organic from the ground up.

Not only does that make all your smoking, dabbing, and edible experiences infinitely better, but it also means that you don’t have to put your own time and effort into drying and curing weed — you can let the professionals do it for you.

Once the process is finished to perfection, we put the buds in resealable cans to preserve the freshness and effects longer.

We even take the extra step of preserving the flowers with nitrogen before sealing the containers. This preserves the cannabis longer and ensures that you see, smell, and taste everything exactly the same way we do at the growery.

Yes, drying and curing weed is a good skill to learn, but if you just want to relax and smoke a doobie, find some Honest Marijuana near you and roll one up. You won’t be sorry.

For more information on all things cannabis and to check out our 100-percent all-natural marijuana products, visit today.

The post Drying And Curing Weed | The Complete Guide To Better Buds appeared first on Honest Marijuana.

Source: honestm

STELLA Vape Review – The Flagship Concentrate Pen From Dr. Dabber

Improving upon the AURORA, its award-winning predecessor, the STELLA portable concentrate pen is the next generation vaporizer from Dr. Dabber.


Let’s face it. There are a lot of vape pens on the market today, but the STELLA pen is different. The handheld vaporizer utilizes cutting-edge technology and a stylish look and feel that sets it apart from the rest.

Retailing for under $100, the STELLA vape comes with a built-in alumina ceramic vaporization chamber with a fully sealed alumina ceramic heating element. The design allows air to move more freely due to the offset air inlets integrated in the vaporization chamber and reduces heat transfer to the body of the pen, keeping the pen cool to touch even after several draws.

The battery of the STELLA was designed with a Temperature Coefficient Resistance (TCR) heating element. Instead of the battery putting out a constant voltage, the TCR technology allows the device’s battery to adjust its voltage based on the desired temperature of the heating element. Thanks to TCR, we can say good-bye to those nasty, burnt-tasting draws some vape pens are known for… and hello to extended battery life and overall consistency.


One of the first things you notice when you start unboxing the Dr. Dabber STELLA vape pen is the packaging. The high level of design inspires confidence that the product inside will not disappoint. The device is encased in a sleek, sturdy black box that works great as a carrying case later on if you find it necessary to take it with you; it fits easily into a purse, backpack, etc.

The overall design of the STELLA device is simplistic. The pen breaks down into three parts: (1) the magnetic mouthpiece assembly which houses the silicone filter/airflow regulator, (2) the ceramic bowl atomizer, and (3) the battery.

It is worth noting that although the device has a standard 510-threaded atomizer to battery connection, Dr. Dabber cautions that the STELLA battery is NOT compatible with 510-threaded cartridges.


Most of the functions of the STELLA pen are accomplished by clicking / pressing the slightly raised Dr. Dabber logo located on the battery piece. It can easily be found – even in the dark – by running your finger over the device’s smooth, black, stainless steel surface.

We’ll call this the “go” button since it has multiple uses; it not only powers the vape on and off, but also cycles through the battery heat settings, monitors battery charge, and activates the draw.

There is also a Dr. Dabber logo on the bottom of the battery piece that lights up to indicate the device’s heat status; the lights are fun as well as functional.

Another cool feature is the haptic feedback that lets you feel a slight vibration when the STELLA unit is turned on/off or when the temperature settings are changed.


The Dr. Dabber STELLA vaporizer features a 600-milliamp battery. Like other pen vapes, it is recommended to fully charge the device before your initial use.

The charging port is found near the go button on the battery piece. After inserting one side of the fast-charging USB-C cable (included) into a USB port and the other end into the vaporizer pen, you should see lights on the unit blinking to indicate the device is successfully charging. A solid green light indicates charging is complete. On average, it takes about an hour to fully charge the STELLA vape pen.

It’s time to recharge the battery when the Dr. Dabber logo blinks 3 times and vibrates to warn you the battery level is getting low. There is no specific color for the warning; the lights blink the color of the current heat setting.

Although you can charge the STELLA battery with the other pieces attached, it is a good idea to get into the habit of removing the atomizer and mouthpiece when charging. This is especially important if there is any oil left in the chamber.

So you forgot to charge your STELLA – no problem. The device’s pass-through charging means you can use it even while plugged in and charging. The battery holds a good charge and can handle 40-60 hits before needing a recharge.


Once the STELLA dab pen is fully charged, it is easy as pie to get started. Simply (1) remove the magnetic mouthpiece (pull upwards to separate from the atomizer), (2) load your concentrate of choice directly on the bottom of the heating plate inside the ceramic bowl, and (3) replace the mouthpiece. A dabbing tool is provided in the kit (and don’t lose this tool, it has other uses – see section on cleaning below).

How much wax/oil to put into the chamber will depend greatly on the type of concentrate being used, how many hits are desired, and the experience level and tolerance of the user. When it comes to dosing cannabis concentrates, we always recommend starting with low doses, working your way up to bigger doses once you are more comfortable with the concentrate’s effect on your body.

In any case, NEVER fill the atomizer chamber more than half of the cup’s capacity. Overloading will restrict air flow, inhibit vapor production, and may possibly cause damage to the unit itself.


The STELLA battery comes with a 5 click on / off feature to ensure the battery is only on when you want it to be on. When successfully clicked 5 times, the pen will light up and vibrate. This safety feature is especially important if you carry your device in your pocket or purse without encasing it in something protective like the box it came in.

When the unit is turned on, the pen glows either green, cyan, or orange depending on the last heat setting stored in its memory.


Preheating for at least 5-10 seconds is recommended, especially if you are working with more dense concentrates like shatters.

To preheat the Stella vape pen, click the go button 2 times. The lights on the unit will glow purple. The preheat cycle is complete when the STELLA wax pen heats to 460 degrees F – this takes about 15 seconds.

In addition to the preheat mode, you will find 3 more voltage levels. Simply click the button 3 more times to cycle through each of the heat levels:

  • Heat Level 1 – green 550 degrees F
  • Heat Level 2 – cyan 630 degrees F
  • Heat Level 3 – orange 775 degrees F

From here, all you do is press and hold in the go button to initiate heat with the atomizer. The lights should remain on during this process and blink when the cutoff has been reached. A draw is limited to 15 seconds and the unit will safely cut off if held in any longer. Remember, you must hold in the button while drawing to activate the heating cycle.

We recommend keeping the pen upright while in use and until the unit has cooled down. This helps prevent any residual oil from spilling outside the heating chamber.


Regular cleaning of your vaporizer will keep it sanitary, extend its life, assure better tasting vapor, and minimize the risk of breaking parts (skip cleaning and you risk getting your mouthpiece stuck!).

Get into the habit of wiping down the inside of the ceramic bowl atomizer with a cotton swab often. A little isopropyl alcohol (ISO) 91% or higher on the tip of the swab is okay to use in and around the atomizer chamber. The charging cable and STELLA unit itself can be wiped down lightly with ISO, as well.

For deeper cleanings, you’ll need just a few supplies and a little more time:

  • Dab tool – make sure it is clean
  • Isopropyl alcohol (ISO) – 91% or higher
  • A small glass container (a recycled 1/8 flower jar works great!)
  • Cotton swabs like Q-tips brand and/or pointed tip applicators (like those for makeup & nail polish)
  • Timer
  • Small clean cloth or paper towel

1. First, remove the mouthpiece assembly. Next, remove the silicone filter/airflow regulator (looks like a 3-blade fan) inside the mouthpiece. This is best accomplished with the dab tool that came with the STELLA. Insert the tool through the mouthpiece and push until the filter/regulator pops out – you may have to finish pulling it out gently with your fingers.

2. Put the mouthpiece and airflow regulator into the glass jar and cover with enough ISO to completely submerge them. Depending on the amount of residue on the pieces, leave in ISO for 5-10 minutes, but never more than 15 minutes. When finished, remove from ISO and place on a clean cloth or paper towel to air dry. DO NOT leave pieces in alcohol over the recommended time frame or risk damage to parts, particularly the finish. DO NOT rinse pieces in water. ALWAYS be certain pieces are completely dry of alcohol before use.

3. While you are waiting on the mouthpiece assembly to finish soaking, you can work on cleaning up the ceramic bowl atomizer. While still attached to the battery, heat up the atomizer slightly (no more than 4-5 seconds). This is accomplished by turning on the unit (click 5 times) and then click 2 more times to activate preheat, count off the seconds and shut off (click 5 times). Next use swabs to soak up any residue inside and around the chamber. DO NOT use too much force when cleaning the bottom heating plate. After absorbing as much as you can, use another cotton swab lightly dipped in ISO to remove any stubborn residue on the bottom and side walls of the atomizer. To finish, dry heat the atomizer another 4-5 seconds to evaporate any left over ISO.

4. It is important to allow all of the pieces to air dry before reassembling. At a minimum, allow 10-15 minutes.

5. After all of the pieces have dried, it is time to put the mouthpiece assembly back together again. Remember to re-insert the airflow regulator back into the mouthpiece so the side that looks like a fan is what you see. Next, place the assembly back onto the ceramic bowl atomizer. The final step is to dry heat the atomizer one more time (like 1-3 seconds) and you’re ready to go again.


Never dry burn your atomizer. There should always be a small amount of oil in the bowl when in use. The only exception is when you are cleaning, and this is limited to only seconds for a particular purpose (see cleaning instructions above).

It is normal for the ceramic bowl atomizer to “season” over time. This is good because a seasoned atomizer tends to use less oil while producing more vapor.

Dr. Dabber recommends replacing the atomizer part every 4 to 12 weeks, depending on usage. Atomizers are not covered by Dr. Dabber’s warranty as they are considered disposable components that need to be replaced over time.

If the ceramic bowl atomizer begins to look dark and crusted, or you see visible signs of damage like a crack, or you are experiencing leakage issues, problems with air flow or unpleasant taste even after cleaning, then it is probably time to replace the atomizer.

A replacement atomizer retails for $29.95 from Dr. Dabber.


The Dr. Dabber company continues to live up to the hype surrounding its brand. The STELLA vaporizer is not only sleek and easy to use, it is also very affordably priced at just $99.95 from Dr. Dabber. The STELLA’s solid feel, use of top-of-the-line materials, and smart construction makes it a high-end vape pen well worth its price.

Source: mjcooking

The Top 10 Strongest Weed Strains

As fellow stoners, we understand the need for exploring new weed strains. It keeps the excitement alive and helps break monotonous routines. This article will cover the top 10 strongest weed strains and information about each.

But before we get into that, we’d like to answer a very frequently asked question. What makes a particular weed strain “strong” or “potent”? You probably thought to yourself “THC” as you read the question, however, THC isn’t always the most reliable method to gauge the potency of a strain. The Cannabis plant, in all its complexity, contains many different Cannabinoids that act synergistically and influence the way THC reacts with our brain. It is entirely possible for you to experience widely different effects, from two different strains, with the same percentage of THC. When determining the potency of a strain, it is the combination of all the cannabinoids, terpenes, and their collective effect that produces the effects of the high.

a purple cannabis bud that is growing from the plant. the purple shades of green make this weed strain look potent.
cannabis flower

Another important factor to note in determining the potency of a strain is the conditions in which the plant was grown. Depending on the knowledge and expertise of the grower, and the location it was grown, the same strain can vary widely in potency. Furthermore, there are many variables that contribute to the potency of a cannabis strain.

10. Death Star

Death Star is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain (75% Indica and 25% Sativa). A cross hybrid between Sensi Star and Sour Diesel strains.

THC percentage: 18-27%

Smell: The strain smells citrusy and sour like tyres and lemons.

Flavour: The Death Star tastes sweet with a tinge of a distinctive sour. 

Appearance: It has broad leaves and frosty shades of purple. 

Effects: Death Star has relaxing and calming effects. Expect a mellow euphoria that creeps up on you slowly, but surely. The Death Star, due to such properties is commonly used to combat the effects of depression, insomnia, nausea and anxiety, while people have also used it to treat different physical pains. With outstanding reviews, Death Star is the perfect companion for a chill weekend with friends or when you’re just trying to seize the moment alone. 

9.  Strawberry Cough

Strawberry Cough is a Sativa dominant hybrid strain. A cross between Strawberry Fields and Old School Staple Haze, this strain is 80% Sativa and 20% Indica. 

THC percentage: 20-23%

Flavour: Creamy candy, with a sweet taste that leaves a somewhat spicy aftertaste in your mouth. 

Smell: Strawberry and citrus! 

Appearance: Light green shades with frosted pinkish-orange hairs.

Effects: This strain is great if you’re looking for an energized high. It makes you more focused, creative and productive. Because of its uplifting properties, Strawberry Cough is used to treat anxiety and depression symptoms along with nausea, pain and loss of appetite. Strawberry Cough is a recommended potent strain for beginners who want to experience a strong high without the paranoia. 

8. Ghost Train Haze 

The intriguing Ghost Train Haze is another Sativa-dominant legendary 80% Sativa and 20% Indica hybrid strain. The strain is a cross between Ghost OG and Neville’s Wreck strains. 

THC Percentage: 25-27%

Smell: A citrusy smell, with hints of pine and earthy soils/florals. 

Taste: Gives a sour citrusy punch followed by an earthy, spicy aftertaste. A perfect combination of its parent strains. 

Appearance: White crystal trichomes with tints of orange and brown. 

Effects: Perfect to stimulate your appetite, this strain makes you feel euphoric, energetic, creative and maybe just a little paranoid; which is why we wouldn’t recommend this strain if you have anxiety. This potent strain also has a lot of medical applications. In small doses, is recommended for depression and post-surgery pains while simultaneously being studied for cancer, PTSD, Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 

7.  Tickle Kush

Tickle Kush, is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain (70% Indica and 30% Sativa content). It is a crossover of the LA Kush and Chemdawg strains. 

THC Percentage: 27-28%

Taste: A fruit salad! Expect a sweet berry or apple tart taste. 

Smell: The strain has an earthy smell with hints of petrol.

Appearance: Tickle Kush looks beautiful in the sun, with a frosty blue shade and splashes of orange, green and yellow. 

Effects: Tickle Kush actually ‘tickles’ your insides to make you more giggly, chatty, happy and hungry! The perfect stress reliever that combats fatigue, pain and depression, it was named as one of “Earth’s strongest strains” a couple of years back. Remember to stock up on a few snacks and take it slow when trying this out! 

6. Girl Scout Cookies 

Girl Scout Cookies is another Indica-dominant (60% Indica and 40% Sativa) hybrid strain, produced as a cross of the OG Kush and the Durban Poison strains. 

THC percentage:  28%

Smell: Ground nuts with earthy notes.

Taste: A sweet earthy flavor, or as some people have reported it: Lemon and mint.

Appearance: The strain has twisted green calyxes with bright orange hairs and purplish leaves.

Effects: The Girl Scout Cookies strain helps treat chronic pain, inflammation, cramps and muscle pain. An award-winning strain, The GSC produces a relaxed and happy high, known to make you more productive and creative. However, it is known to induce severe cottonmouth, so stay hydrated! This strain is considered one of the 10 strongest weed strains.

5. Gorilla Glue 

Also known as 420 Glue, the GG is a balanced 50% Indica and 50% Sativa hybrid strain, although some grow it as an Indica Dominant strain, whereas some as a Sativa dominant strain. It has several parent strains-due to extensive backcrossing- Sour Diesel, Sour Dubb, Chem’s Sister, and Chocolate Diesel. But is almost always a mix between the Classic Chocolate Diesel and the Sour Diesel strains. 

THC percentage: 28%

Taste: Think chocolate and grapes mixed with diesel. A sweet and sour punch that sticks to your tongue long after you’re done. 

Smell: Can vary according to the indica and sativa percentages. Could either have a bubblegum scent or a pine tree aroma. 

Appearance: Chunky Calyxes with white trichomes and light green/ orange pistils.

Effects: The 2014 Cannabis Cup Award Winner has an uplifting and energizing effect on the mind and body. Known to relieve symptoms of Depression, Insomnia and Anxiety with its euphoric high, consumers also feel dizzy and occasionally may even end up with a headache if not careful.

4. The White

Originally called “The Triangle”, the White is an Indica dominant hybrid strain, with an 85% Indica and 15% Sativa content. The White can only be grown through the clippings of a mature plant of the same variety, making it a clone-only strain. 

THC percentage: 25-30% 

Taste & Smell: This unique strain is known for having little to no odour or taste. Perfect for those who are a little repelled by Cannabis aroma or taste; although you can get a flavoured one as well. 

Appearance: A blanket of frosting sugar, literally! The buds are covered with white trichomes. 

Effects: Knocking all the weight and stress from over your shoulder, the “White” is a powerful strain for relieving stress, treating anxiety, Insomnia, Pain, Nausea and Depression. Consumers report feeling relaxed, calm and euphoric with its use. 

3. Blissful Wizard

The Blissful Wizard is a 50/50 hybrid strain made from the cross of the “Girl Scout Cookies” and the “Captain’s Cookies” strains. 

THC percentage: 30-34%

Smell: Apples and Lemon-lime pie!

Taste: Smooth and sour Lemon Icecream!

Appearance: Colourful calyxes dipped in snow! (white trichomes)

Effects: The Blissful Wizard produces a head high, which is why it is commonly used as an analgesic and for depression and stress management. Its potency is also why it can agitate neck pain and headaches.  Its uplifting effect immediately makes you euphoric, relaxed, focused and more social after trying Blissful Wizard. This is surely the strain to smoke before something that makes you nervous. 

2. The Bruce Banner #3 

Bruce Banner #3, also known as the “Incredible Hulk” is a Sativa-dominant hybrid strain (60% Sativa and 40% Indica) produced as a result of a cross between the OG Kush and Strawberry Diesel strain.

THC percentage: 30%

Smell: Earthy hash with some topical notes.

Taste: Less strong than its smell, the strain tastes earthy with hints of a citrus.

Appearance: Like the Hulk! A greenish structure covered with light, white trichomes.

Effects: Bruce Banner # 3 has strong analgesic and anti-depressant properties. It calms you down and somewhat energizes you all at the same time. We would recommend it to the real Hulk as well, maybe its namesake strain will calm him down! This is considered one of the 10 strongest weed strains.

1. King Tut

King Tut, also known as “Tutankhamun” is a Sativa dominant hybrid strain (80% Sativa and 20% Indica) that was named after one of Egypt’s most famous Pharaoh. It is from the lineage of the strain AK-47 and is extremely rare. The name of the strain gives respect to Egypt’s famous ruler, Pharoah. 

THC Percentage: 25-30%

Smell: A sour fruit with citrus notes.

Taste: Fresh fruit and flowers with a slight sour undertone. 

Appearance: A light green structure with pale, amber-coloured hairs. 

Effects: The number one strain, the King Tut, is reviewed as the perfect companion for social gatherings and for days when you require a little extra creativity. Consumers have reported feeling energized, productive and uplifted upon its use. For medical purposes, King Tut is known for its role in the treatment of depression, chronic pains, inflammation and stress. 

There you have it, our pick of the top 10 strongest weed strains, based on the type of high they produce and their common usages! These strains are for those who seek diversity in their cannabis adventures and for people going through various medical problems.

Source: tcsch

30 Best Stoner Coloring Books on Amazon

We’ve put together a comprehensive list of the 30 best stoner coloring books on Amazon! These weed-themed coloring books make for a fun activity that helps spark your creativity and imagination. Each coloring book found below will have a direct link to it’s listing on Amazon, this will help you easily view or purchase it. Activities like this help enhance the cannabis experience by allowing the user to concentrate on a fun task. The level of your visual indulgence during your “high” is important in determining how much you’ll enjoy it. In other words, what better tools for meditation and recreation than cannabis and coloring?

We forgot to mention, we just released our own Stoner Coloring book that we know you’ll love! Click here to see TheCannaSchool’s Stoner Coloring Book!

The condensed list below contains the links to all the best stoner coloring books found in this article:

Condensed List:

  1. TheCannaSchool’s Stoner Coloring Book
  2. The Stoner’s Psychedelic Coloring Book
  3. A Coloring Book For Stoners: Stress Relieving Psychedelic Art For Adults
  4. Let’s Get High And Color: An Adult Coloring Book
  5. Stoner Things: Stoner Coloring Book
  6. Stoner Things Volume 2: Colouring Book for Adults
  7. Princess Stoner Coloring Book
  8. Disney Princess Stoner Coloring Book:
  9. Princess Stoner Coloring Book: Great Coloring Book For Adults Stress Relief & Relaxation
  10. Princess Coloring Book: Cool and Relaxing Design – Great Coloring Book for Adults Relaxation and Stress Relief
  11. Disney Stoner Colouring Book: 
  12. The Stoner Babes Coloring Book By Katie Guinn
  13. Trippy Chicks Adult Coloring Book
  14. Stoner Coloring Book: The Psychedelic Coloring Book for Relaxation and Stress Relief, Stoner Coloring
  15. Animals Smoking Weed: Colouring Book By Kristin Harris
  16. Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm Coloring Book
  17. Fresh Baked Cannabis Coloring Book for Weed Lovers: Volume 3
  18. Fresh Baked Cannabis Coloring Book for Weed Lovers: Fun Marijuana and Pot Themed Images to Color – Volume 1
  19. Fresh Baked Cannabis Coloring Book
  20. Marijuana Strains: Adult Coloring Book
  21. Stoner Coloring Book: The Stoner’s Psychedelic Coloring Book
  22. Trippy Advisor- An Irreverent Coloring Book For Adults:
  23. Day Trip: The Stoner’s Psychedelic Coloring Book
  24. Stoner Coloring Book: A Psychedelic Coloring Book for Adults
  25. Not Your Kids Stoner Coloring Book:
  26. A Psychedelic Coloring Book For Adults:
  27. Psychedelic Coloring Book
  28. The Trippy Hippie Coloring Book
  29. Reefer Madness Mandala and Quote Coloring Book For Adults: 
  30. Stoner Activity Book
  31. High Life Coloring & Activity Book (Volume 1)

TheCannaSchool’s Stoner Coloring Book

Our brand new adult coloring book has finally arrived! This book features hand-drawn coloring pages made for cannabis enthusiasts, by cannabis enthusiasts.

Every page of this coloring book is unique and custom made for cannabis enthusiasts, you will not find the same coloring page twice. We also made sure to keep the psychedelic designs to a minimum because we understand what cannabis enthusiasts are looking for.

The book comes in two price variants as you can buy the paperback version or just the PDF file so you can print it yourself at home! Click here to learn more about it.





Stoner Coloring Book for Adults: The Stoner’s Psychedelic Coloring Book

Red, glossy eyes are the trademark of a good high. This stoner coloring book features 25 hand-drawn stoner designs for you to color. With 50 pages in total, you don’t even have to worry about ruining the next page’s design with your color’s tint. 

It comes in two price variants, $7.99 for paperback and $20.49 for a spiral bound book, perfect for gifts! Oh and it has a free PDF inside too!

Product Features:

  • 25 unique designs
  • 50 single side printing on both white and black papers
  • Available in paperback and spiral bound variants
  • Free PDF!

If you liked this, check out a similar one below:

A Coloring Book For Stoners: Stress Relieving Psychedelic Art For Adults

 Price: $4.99

Let’s Get High And Color: An Adult Coloring Book Stoner Coloring Book 

Get your hands on this humorous coloring book which includes 17 unique designs and “black light” versions of 15 of them, making a total of 33 pages to color! 

Product Features:

  • 66 total pages with 33 single-side printed pages to color
  • 17 unique designs
  • Glossy paper
  • Suitable for pencil colours, markers, pens and crayons

Stoner Things: Stoner Coloring Book Adult Coloring Book

With the title inspired by the Netflix hit show “Stranger Things”, this is a perfect gift for fans of the show! The book includes 16 unique designs and also includes inverted background versions for many of them. One of the best stoner coloring books.

Product Features:

  • 31 pages to colour
  • 16 unique designs
  • Glossy paper
  • Suitable for color pencils, pens, markers and crayons.

Not quite satisfied? Check out another “Stranger Things” inspired option below!

Stoner Things Volume 2: Colouring Book for Adults

Princess Stoner Coloring Book:

Calling all our stoner girls! This Disney princess inspired stoner coloring book has all your favourite Disney princess stories with a 420 twist. Now you get to reimagine all the fairytales while in your most creative state. 

Product Features:

  • 27 unique designs 54 pages in total
  • Single side high quality printed pages
  • Suitable for colouring pencils, markers, crayons etc

If you liked this theme, check out similar princess stoner colouring books below!

Disney Princess Stoner Coloring Book:

Princess Stoner Coloring Book: Great Coloring Book For Adults Stress Relief & Relaxation

Disney Princess stoner coloring book.

Princess Coloring Book: Cool and Relaxing Design – Great Coloring Book for Adults Relaxation and Stress Relief

Disney princess stoner coloring book with two girls smoking on the cover.

Disney Stoner Colouring Book: 

Disney character stoner coloring book cover.

Another one for our Disney lovers, because who doesn’t love this dynamic six! We can already hear Donald Duck’s high quacks!

Product Features:

  • 25 unique illustrations
  • High quality paper
  • Single side printing
  • 8.5*11 inches size

The Stoner Babes Coloring Book By Katie Guinn

The stoner babes coloring book cover.

This artistic representation of empowered women and gender fluid people who relish the herb is a wonderful gift for all the intellectual and mindful people in your friend circle. With over 60 intricate images of tattoos, marijuana bouquets, patterned garb, shape-filled backgrounds and gorgeous faces, you’ll find new meanings to life inspired by the art in this colouring book!

Product Features:

  • 60 single-sided printed pages
  • High-quality paper
  • 8.5*11 inches size
  • Suitable for pencil colours, crayons, markers etc.

If you liked this artistry, then check out the next similar one below!

Trippy Chicks Adult Coloring Book

The Trippy Chicks Coloring book features mystical women channelling their inner goddesses. Expect to find religious symbols, long locks, reptiles and mandalas.

Stoner Coloring Book: The Psychedelic Coloring Book for Relaxation and Stress Relief, Stoner Coloring

Presenting another gift option for our stoner guys, although with designs so intricate and detailed, even the girls won’t be able to resist it. You can draw for days on end with this book, filling it with colours and creating your own psychedelic paradise. 

Product Features:

  • Premium glossy cover
  • Single sided pages to avoid bleed through
  • 8.5*11 inches size
  • High quality white paper

Animals Smoking Weed: Colouring Book By Kristin Harris

Animals smoking weed stoner coloring book with a fish on the cover smoking a joint.

From the Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park to reefer madness and game of stoned, this book is guaranteed to leave you in fits of laughter. Kristin Harris really amped up his game with this one!

Product Features:

  • 26 unique images
  • Test image to try out your colors
  • High-quality paper
  • 8.5*11 inches size

Wiz Khalifa’s Weed Farm Coloring Book

The Wiz Khalifa's weed farm stoner coloring book.

Wiz Khalifa is back yet again with a pro-cannabis statement in the form of his new product “The Wiz Khalifa Weed Farm Coloring Book”.

This stress-relieving coloring book is slightly on the pricier edge, going at $14.95, but is rightly so, because with featured iconic images from LA to Amsterdam and events like Danksgiving and Wiz’s Birthday, it’s a direct sneak peek into Khalifa’s weed empire!

Fresh Baked Cannabis Coloring Book for Weed Lovers: Volume 3

Fresh baked stoner coloring book  volume 3 edition.

The Fresh Baked series is a designer brainchild of independent artists who came together to design fun pot-themed images and humourous marijuana designs for people who like to relieve stress through coloring while high. 

Product Features:

  • Fun cannabis inspired designs
  • Original images
  • High-quality paper
  • 8.5*11 inches size
  • Part of a series of three

If you liked this, be sure to check out Fresh Baked Volume 1 and 2! A perfect gift bundle for Birthdays or Christmas!

Fresh Baked Cannabis Coloring Book for Weed Lovers: Fun Marijuana and Pot Themed Images to Color – Volume 1

Fresh baked stoner coloring book for weed lovers. The cover has a bong smoking a jay.

Fresh Baked Cannabis Coloring Book

The fresh baked cannabis coloring book for weed lovers.

  Marijuana Strains: Adult Coloring Book

Marijuana strains adult coloring book cover. This cover includes a man sitting down meditating with his seven chakras.

Not all Cannabis is the same. There are a ton of varieties and so many different strains to choose from. Check out this colouring book that not only lets you have a fun time with Cannabis, but also educates you on the different varieties out there. The book has illustrations of popular strains like the Harlequin, Grape Ape, Dance World, Cherry Pie, Frankenstein, and Laughing Buddha. One of the best stoner coloring books.

So gather your friends and take turns to color and try the Cannabis varieties drawn in the book, who knows, you may find your next favourite party strain here!

Product Features:

  • Paperback
  • Unique Illustrations
  • Cannabis strain designs
  • 8.5*11 inches size

Stoner Coloring Book: The Stoner’s Psychedelic Coloring Book

Stoner coloring book jumbo edition cover, the blue background has stars shining through it.

Does your trip make you feel like a part of an alternate universe too? If so, you will love this coloring book that transports you directly into a psychedelic world. 

Product Features:

  • 30 high quality illustrations
  • Single side printing to avoid bleed through
  • 8.5 x 11’’ size 

If you liked this, check out similar books that also promise a great trip!

Trippy Advisor- An Irreverent Coloring Book For Adults:

Trippy advisor the psychedelic coloring book for stoners. The cover is painted in rainbow with joints on it.

Day Trip: The Stoner’s Psychedelic Coloring Book

Day trip alien coloring book, made with colorful designs and shapes.

Stoner Coloring Book: A Psychedelic Coloring Book for Adults

A cover for a stoner coloring book that is sold on amazon. The cover includes designs of mushrooms and fun animals.

Not Your Kids Stoner Coloring Book:

"Not your kids coloring books", stoner coloring book with a fun avatar on the front blowing out smoke.

A Psychedelic Coloring Book For Adults:

A psychedelic coloring book for adults with a blue woman smoking a joint on the front cover.

Psychedelic Coloring Book

A psychedelic coloring book made with colorful patterns and shapes.

Marijuana, meditate and contemplate: that’s our mantra. With 35 unique and beautiful kaleidoscopic designs, color in magical mushrooms and mandalas and make your trip a memorable one. 

Product Features:

  • 8.5*11 sized pages
  • Single-sided printing on white paper
  • 35 unique illustrations
  • High quality 60lb paper

If you like coloring in Mandalas, check out these two as well:

The Trippy Hippie Coloring Book

The trippy hippie coloring book cover, including the face of a girl hippie.

Reefer Madness Mandala and Quote Coloring Book For Adults: 

Reefer madness stoner coloring book cover with a pot leaf on the front.

Stoner Activity Book

A stoner coloring book with a potleaf on the front smoking a joint.

We saved the absolute best for the last. Get your hands on the Stoner Activity Book that not only has coloring pages, but also crosswords, puzzles, trippy mazes and more for a variety of activities to do while high! 

If you like this type of product, also check out this stoner coloring and activity book:

High Life Coloring & Activity Book (Volume 1)

the cover of a Stoner coloring book, high life, by jay anthony

So there you have it! The 30 best stoner coloring books on Amazon! If you enjoyed this list, check out our article on the 30 Best Stoner Gifts on Amazon! Leave a comment with what you would like to see next!

Source: tcsch