Know Your Herbs

Cannabis for Cancer: The Research Behind using Cannabis for Cancer Related Treatments

Cannabis has long lost the tag of just being a
substance for getting high. It has been found out to be providing umpteen
number of benefits to the body. There are more than 100 compounds, also called
cannabinoids, that exist in the cannabis plant. The two most prominent out of
these are CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrochloride). CBD alone forms about
40% of the extracts of the cannabis plant, which is followed by the presence of

There is no doubt that cannabis has
psychoactive abilities. It does have the ability to make one high. However, the
compound responsible behind this is THC. Although it has its share of
importance, CBD, on the other hand, has the backing of research to prove that
there are many uses to it.

CBD is proved to be useful in skin care.
Leaving chapped lips untreated can lead to excess flaking, inflammation and
soreness. In addition, if your lip issues are caused by angular cheilitis, the
condition might be a symptom of more severe health problems, such as Chron’s
disease,anemia, and some types of cancer. So, what are the CBD lip balm
benefits? Fortunately, CBD lip balms, as the CBD oil will seal moisture in your
lips, preventing them from becoming dry or flaky.

 In this
article, we shall be laying our focus on the treatment of cancer-related
problems and the use of cannabis in it. 

Cannabis as a Treatment for Cancer

Cancer is a life-threatening disease. In this,
abnormal cells in the body proliferate uncontrollably. In the process, they
destroy the body tissues and cause significant harm to the strength of the
immune system of the body. A lot of research on the subject of the capability
of cannabis on cancer treatment is ongoing across the world. However, some
initial studies find the relationship between them. A study
conducted in 2016 laid the foundation for the assertion that cannabis can be
useful in treating cancer-related problems. It was found that the presence of
cannabinoids in the plant work as an inhibitor of the tumor cells of different
types in the body.

Another study claims that regular cannabis users had
almost 50% lower the risk of contracting bladder cancer. Due to its antitumor
effect, cannabis can serve as a way to cause inhibition of cell growth, cell
proliferation death and prevent the invasion of tumor cells in the body. In the
case of breast cancer treatment, CBD demonstrated a programmed cell death in
the cell lines of breast cancer. It did so independently of vallinoid, CBD1 or
CB2 receptors. The same findings also found a link between the
inhibition of estrogen receptor-negative and estrogen-positive breast cancer
cell lines.

CBD is also known to protect the DNA from the suffering of
oxidative damage. It does so by increasing the endocannabinoid levels on
consumption and reducing the cases of cell proliferation. In another study, the role of
intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in cancer prevention became the
point of research. The expression of ICAM-1 in tumor cells negatively
correlates with cancer metastasis. In the case of lung cancer cell lines, CBD
found in cannabis upregulates ICAM-1, thereby causing a decrease in the
invasion of cancer cells.

There is another aspect to the use of cannabis in cancer
treatment. Both endogenous and plant-derived cannabinoids from the cannabis
plant demonstrate anti-inflammatory effects in the body. This property further
helps in the treatment of cancer, especially in the case of colorectal cancer.

Having laid our focus on the direct use of cannabis in
cancer treatment, let us now discuss its use in tackling the cancer-related
symptoms. These largely include loss of appetite, pain, and nausea. 

Stimulation of Appetite

Almost all the people suffering from cancer
suffer from a loss of appetite. This comes off as a significant concern since
the body requires the consumption of essential nutrients to function correctly.
Moreover, the body needs the right amount of energy to see through the
different stages of cancer as well. Thus, loss of appetite can prove to be
highly detrimental to the interests of the patients. This is where cannabis can
provide a helping hand.

According to research, the presence of THC in cannabis
helps regulate hunger and aid in the process of recovery. It also enables the
body to maintain a healthy body weight in the case of severe adversity.

Provides Relief from Pain

As the timeline of the onset of cancer
progresses, the pain increases. The patients might suffer from unbearable agony
due to the nature of the ailment. Even during the treatment at the chemotherapy
stage, the pain takes a lot of time to subside. The reason behind the cause of
pain during cancer can be due to high inflammation, nerve injuries, and
pressure on internal organs according to a study. It can become so severe in some cases that
the painkillers like opioids seem ineffective.

The reason why cannabis can provide relief in
these cases is that it acts on the CB2 receptors indirectly and reduces
inflammation upon consumption. Similarly, CBD reacts with the CB1 receptors and
lowers the pain related to nerve damage.

Helps Cure Nausea

The basic treatment of cancer in the present
era involves the process of chemotherapy. Although it is effective when it
comes to the treatment, it has its own set of side effects on the body.  One of the most common of these is that of
nausea. It can also lead to patients suffering from vomiting. Cannabis comes
off as a relief here due to its anti-nausea effects. THC and CBD play the
role of inducing a decrease in the problem and help control the cases of
nauseated conditions by keeping them to a minimum.

CBD is far less threatening than traditional
medicines, which have a direct effect on the central nervous system.Visit Sabaidee
to review some CBD products.

It is always best to consume cannabis
responsibly. Hence, it becomes imperative to consult your doctor about the
prescription of cannabis. This shall allow you to stay within the limits your
body requires and genuinely benefit from its usage. To order cannabis and its
products, online dispensary Canada can be your one-stop destination.

To conclude, cannabis can provide effective
cancer treatment by inhibiting specific critical enzymes in the body. It
appears to be an efficient way of promoting a healthy immune system and health
at the same time. Hence, it is incumbent upon us to explore its use and
benefits and shed our inhibitions surrounding cannabis to embrace a better

The post Cannabis for Cancer: The Research Behind using Cannabis for Cancer Related Treatments appeared first on FairCannaCare.

Source: fcc

Why Cannabis Edibles are Creating a Buzz?

The time is ever-changing, and so are the
choices of people. This very reason serves as an answer to why a substance that
held an inferior reputation in the society is now, gradually making its way
into every other house of that same society. Cannabis is that substance if you
are still unable to figure out. Although the use of cannabis for beneficial purposes
roots centuries back, it has to go through a long way to regain its prominence
in the market. With the ongoing legalization of cannabis, the benefits of
consuming cannabis is no longer a hidden tale. Manufacturers are producing
various products to satisfy the increasing needs of the consumers day by day.
Among the hoard of major cannabis-derived products lies one such product which
is readily creating a buzz amidst cannabis users.

Cannabis edibles are accused of winning over every other method of cannabis consumption that was in use throughout the years. From smoking joints, Hookahs and e-cigarettes, to the need to buy water pipes and bongs, trends have evolved drastically with need. The potential of cannabis edibles as being an equally benefiting alternative of cannabis consumption with the perk of convenience is the reason behind its emerging popularity. The curiosity of consumers is getting the best of them, whether the cannabis shows up in the drug test or not, refer to CBDialed to know more about this. Leading to the excessive demand for cannabis-infused food and beverages. Recent reports are claiming it to be the fastest rising food trend and a potentially reigning cannabis product within the mainstream market. So what exactly is the buzz? Let us find out!

What is a Cannabis Edible?

To understand the hype enveloping this
product, it is essential to understand what exactly is a cannabis edible. The
name speaks for the product itself. Cannabis edibles are food and
beverages that contain cannabis. Cannabis is a product which is rich in various
type of cannabinoids that can be used to satisfy both medicinal and
recreational purposes. Products such as cookies, lollipops, bars, brownies,
gummies, and many more are present under the large shade of cannabis edibles.
They don’t have a very distinctive taste and go unnoticed when incorporated in
an edible. This quality makes it easy to gain the benefits of cannabis without
much effort.

Known for its therapeutic and
recreational benefits, cannabis edibles are used for both and are available in
various options to suit your choices. Many edibles contain a high amount of
THC, which makes it preferable for recreational consumption. If you wish to
ingest the benefits of cannabinoids without experiencing the typically renowned
‘high’ then go for the cannabis edibles that contain more CBD. One of the
cannabinoids of cannabis, CBD claims to own pain-relieving, anti-anxiety, and
anti-aging properties which is why many physicians prescribe it to their
patients. It is only natural that consumers who wish to achieve therapeutic
benefits would refrain from its psychoactive effects. Therefore, consumers who
use cannabis solely to obtain the medicinal benefits of cannabinoids incline
more towards the use of CBD concentrated cannabis edibles.

Cannabis Edibles and the Rise to Fame

The day by day increase in the fame of cannabis edible in
the mainstream market is making us wonder what exactly are the reason behind
its growth. We tried to grasp a few of them and here is what we found.

  • The ease of
    If we talk about years before the beginning of this new
    approach, the consumption of cannabis was a hassle on its own. Even though
    people still choose to opt for the lengthy process of using cannabis strains
    through smoking, the time and resources it needs are a significant
    inconvenience. Cannabis edible tackles any troubles as such, providing you with
    a very convenient way to enjoy your favorite strains. The smoke that
    e-cigarettes and joints emit can be troublesome for you and the people around
    while cannabis edibles are even handy at sociable places.
  • Easy
    medicinal benefits:
    With the growth in people comprehending the various
    health benefits of cannabis, the use of cannabis edibles is growing too.
    Cannabis edibles are excellent on the go method to satisfy your medicinal need
    wherever you wish for it. Health troubles such as anxiety, menstrual cramps,
    chronic pain, migraine ridden headaches, and nausea can arise anywhere, which
    demands a quick solution. Cannabis edibles in the form of capsules, lozenges or
    bars are discreet and easy to carry options to go for when in public that works
    its way efficiently to relieve all the possible ailments.
  • Potentially
    You don’t have to find a reliable seller every time you
    wish to get your much-needed dose of cannabis edibles. The best part about
    edibles is that they are straightforward to prepare at home. Rather than
    visiting a professional one can make several cannabis edibles on their own.
    Homemade product enthusiasts only need to order their favorite cannabis strains
    to start with the preparations. Manufacturers also offer cannabis oil and
    butter that you can use in your homemade recipes. It is easier to control the
    strength of cannabis in one’s recipe when you make it at home, making it
    favorable for many.
  • Breaking
    free from the stigma:
    Years after readily understanding the vast positive
    potentialities of cannabis, the stigma attached to cannabis smoking is hard to
    get rid of. Cannabis edibles correctly work their way to break the stigma
    through using the same product, but by rebranding its traditional
    image. Cannabis edibles are emerging as a relatively healthier method than the
    traditional ones. Easy to utilize, cannabis-infused food reduces the potential
    damage to health as seen in the process of consumption that involves the burning
    of the herb. The new way of ingesting cannabis has made it easier for people to
    try its potential benefits while not hindering the ill reputation that sticks
    with smoking cannabis.

Cannabis edibles are a breakthrough in the hemp market.
Either its usage for recreational or medicinal purposes, it potentially
delivers the promises it claims. Cannabis edible, as an alternative to various
traditional methods, have spiked the interest of many people to try out the
health benefits of cannabis themselves. The product has already started leading
the market while triggering an increase in the demand and the number of its
users. All the reasons together answer reasonably well as to why the cannabis
edibles are creating a buzz.

The post Why Cannabis Edibles are Creating a Buzz? appeared first on FairCannaCare.

Source: fcc

What to Expect When You Start Using CBD

CBD has become incredibly popular over the last few years, so everyone is talking about it. There’s a lot of information out there about the various effects of CBD, but not a lot about how to get to the point that you feel those effects. CBD takes a little while to “kick in,” unlike what you might expect from an over the counter medicine. You might feel some of its effects immediately, but most of them can take a few days or even weeks to be at a noticeable level. If you don’t feel any effects, you might not be taking a high enough dosage.

Here’s a breakdown of how you might experience CBD when you take it for the first time.

Immediate Effects

CBD tells the brain to start producing melatonin, which makes you
relax and begin to feel tired. If you are keyed up when you take CBD, you
should feel yourself begin to relax after about half an hour if you’ve taken it
under your tongue. If you decide to vape your CBD, you should see an effect
sooner, but it won’t last as long. When you include CBD oil in food and drink, it takes
a little bit longer to affect you – usually about 2 hours – but the effects can
feel a little bit stronger.

Long Term Effects

Over the next few weeks as your body begins to have CBD in its
system regularly, you should start to see more of the effects you are
expecting. However, most of them are about what you don’t feel rather than what
you do. 

You might have noticed that you’ve been getting much better sleep and having higher energy levels during the day. You should feel much more relaxed overall, with lower levels of stress and anxiety. The little things that previously pushed all your buttons should feel a bit more manageable, and your day-to-day tasks should be easier to focus on, thanks to the CBD that you are taking. However, you should also keep an eye out for any adverse effects you might be experiencing. 

Effects to Watch Out For

If you struggle with allergies to different types of grasses, you
might also find yourself having an allergic reaction to CBD because it is
derived from industrial hemp. You will want to try a test patch on an easily
treatable part of your body before you try ingesting it to avoid a severe

You might also find that it interacts in weird, unhealthy ways
with your other medications – especially if you take medicine to reduce the
impacts of seizures or to help you sleep. If your liver is already struggling,
CBD could cause additional strain on it.

Make sure to talk to your doctor before beginning to take CBD and
tell them about it just like you would any over the counter medication to make
sure that you stay as safe and healthy as you possibly can.

The post What to Expect When You Start Using CBD appeared first on FairCannaCare.

Source: faircannacare


Chemdawg picture

With a near-even balance between sativa and indica (sativa/indica ratio of 45/55), Chemdawg delivers on both fronts. A clear cerebral high drives creativity while a stony, sleepy body high fights insomnia and relaxes the muscles. This strain has THC levels up to 19%, meaning it’s more potent than most. It has a powerful spicy, plant-like taste and smell with a hint of diesel; the aroma alone can alert snoopy neighbors to even a carefully concealed pot grow. Not surprisingly, Chemdawg is used to produce Sour Diesel, one of the world’s most popular strains. Little is known about Chemdawg’s history or genetics, though there are urban legends involving a Grateful Dead concert, a handful of seeds, and a grower named Chemdog.

THC: 14% – 18%

Effects: Cerebral, Creative, Euphoria, Happy, Relaxing

May Relieve: Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Depression, Insomnia, Loss of Appetite, Migraines, Nausea, PTSD, Stress

Flavors: Chemical, Diesel, Pine

Aromas: Diesel, Earthy, Pungent

Best for anxiety and pain, this strain is also helpful with depression and ADHD, as well as migraines, arthritis, and PMS. Dry mouth and dry eyes are possible when using this strain, while other side effects are less likely. Chemdawg is most popular on the West Coast, in Nevada, and in Colorado. It’s possible to find on the black market but doesn’t come around very often.